9. Appendix

This section contains information that is referenced from other sections, and that does not really need to be read in sequence.

9.1. Base classes for resources

Base definitions for resource manager classes.

Resource manager classes exist for each resource type and are helper classes that provide functionality common for the resource type.

Resource manager objects are not necessarily singleton objects, because they have a scope of a certain set of resource objects. For example, the resource manager object for LPARs exists once for each CPC managed by the HMC, and the resource object scope of each LPAR manager object is the set of LPARs in that CPC.

class zhmcclient.BaseManager(resource_class, class_name, session, parent, base_uri, oid_prop, uri_prop, name_prop, query_props, list_has_name=True)[source]

Abstract base class for manager classes (e.g. CpcManager).

It defines the interface for the derived manager classes, and implements methods that have a common implementation for the derived manager classes.

Objects of derived manager classes should not be created by users of this package by simply instantiating them. Instead, such objects are created by this package as instance variables of Client and other resource objects, e.g. cpcs. For this reason, the __init__() method of this class and of its derived manager classes are considered internal interfaces and their parameters are not documented and may change incompatibly.


Return a string with the state of this manager object, for debug purposes.


Invalidate the Name-URI cache of this manager.

The zhmcclient maintains a Name-URI cache in each manager object, which caches the mappings between resource URIs and resource names, to speed up certain zhmcclient methods.

The Name-URI cache is properly updated during changes on the resource name (e.g. via update_properties()) or changes on the resource URI (e.g. via resource creation or deletion), if these changes are performed through the same Python manager object.

However, changes performed through a different manager object (e.g. because a different session, client or parent resource object was used), or changes performed in a different Python process, or changes performed via other means than the zhmcclient library (e.g. directly on the HMC) will not automatically update the Name-URI cache of this manager.

In cases where the resource name or resource URI are effected by such changes, the Name-URI cache can be manually invalidated by the user, using this method.

Note that the Name-URI cache automatically invalidates itself after a certain time since the last invalidation. That auto invalidation time can be configured using the name_uri_cache_timetolive attribute of the RetryTimeoutConfig class.


The Python class of the parent resource of this manager.


The resource class name


Session with the HMC.


Parent resource defining the scope for this manager.

None, if the manager has no parent, i.e. when it manages top-level resources.

Type:Subclass of BaseResource
resource_object(uri_or_oid, props=None)[source]

Return a minimalistic Python resource object for this resource class, that is scoped to this manager.

This method is an internal helper function and is not normally called by users.

The returned resource object will have the following minimal set of properties set automatically:

  • object-uri
  • object-id
  • parent
  • class

Additional properties for the Python resource object can be specified by the caller.

  • uri_or_oid (string) – object-uri or object-id of the resource.
  • props (dict) – Property values in addition to the minimal list of properties that are set automatically (see above).

A Python resource object for this resource class.

Return type:

Subclass of BaseResource


Find zero or more resources in scope of this manager, by matching resource properties against the specified filter arguments, and return a list of their Python resource objects (e.g. for CPCs, a list of Cpc objects is returned).

Any resource property may be specified in a filter argument. For details about filter arguments, see Filtering.

The zhmcclient implementation handles the specified properties in an optimized way: Properties that can be filtered on the HMC are actually filtered there (this varies by resource type), and the remaining properties are filtered on the client side.

If the “name” property is specified as the only filter argument, an optimized lookup is performed that uses a name-to-URI cache in this manager object. This this optimized lookup uses the specified match value for exact matching and is not interpreted as a regular expression.

Authorization requirements:

  • see the list() method in the derived classes.
Parameters:**filter_args – All keyword arguments are used as filter arguments. Specifying no keyword arguments causes no filtering to happen. See the examples for usage details.
Returns:List of resource objects in scope of this manager object that match the filter arguments. These resource objects have a minimal set of properties.
Raises:Exceptions raised by the list() methods in derived resource manager classes (see Reference: Resources).


  • The following example finds partitions in a CPC by status. Because the ‘status’ resource property is also a valid Python variable name, there are two ways for the caller to specify the filter arguments for this method:

    As named parameters:

    run_states = ['active', 'degraded']
    run_parts = cpc.partitions.find(status=run_states)

    As a parameter dictionary:

    run_parts = cpc.partitions.find(**{'status': run_states})
  • The following example finds adapters of the OSA family in a CPC with an active status. Because the resource property for the adapter family is named ‘adapter-family’, it is not suitable as a Python variable name. Therefore, the caller can specify the filter argument only as a parameter dictionary:

    filter_args = {'adapter-family': 'osa', 'status': 'active'}
    active_osa_adapters = cpc.adapters.findall(**filter_args)

Find exactly one resource in scope of this manager, by matching resource properties against the specified filter arguments, and return its Python resource object (e.g. for a CPC, a Cpc object is returned).

Any resource property may be specified in a filter argument. For details about filter arguments, see Filtering.

The zhmcclient implementation handles the specified properties in an optimized way: Properties that can be filtered on the HMC are actually filtered there (this varies by resource type), and the remaining properties are filtered on the client side.

If the “name” property is specified as the only filter argument, an optimized lookup is performed that uses a name-to-URI cache in this manager object. This this optimized lookup uses the specified match value for exact matching and is not interpreted as a regular expression.

Authorization requirements:

  • see the list() method in the derived classes.

**filter_args – All keyword arguments are used as filter arguments. Specifying no keyword arguments causes no filtering to happen. See the examples for usage details.


Resource object in scope of this manager object that matches the filter arguments. This resource object has a minimal set of properties.



  • The following example finds a CPC by its name. Because the ‘name’ resource property is also a valid Python variable name, there are two ways for the caller to specify the filter arguments for this method:

    As named parameters:

    cpc = client.cpcs.find(name='CPC001')

    As a parameter dictionary:

    filter_args = {'name': 'CPC0001'}
    cpc = client.cpcs.find(**filter_args)
  • The following example finds a CPC by its object ID. Because the ‘object-id’ resource property is not a valid Python variable name, the caller can specify the filter argument only as a parameter dictionary:

    filter_args = {'object-id': '12345-abc...de-12345'}
    cpc = client.cpcs.find(**filter_args)
list(full_properties=False, filter_args=None)[source]

Find zero or more resources in scope of this manager, by matching resource properties against the specified filter arguments, and return a list of their Python resource objects (e.g. for CPCs, a list of Cpc objects is returned).

Any resource property may be specified in a filter argument. For details about filter arguments, see Filtering.

The zhmcclient implementation handles the specified properties in an optimized way: Properties that can be filtered on the HMC are actually filtered there (this varies by resource type), and the remaining properties are filtered on the client side.

At the level of the BaseManager class, this method defines the interface for the list() methods implemented in the derived resource classes.

Authorization requirements:

  • see the list() method in the derived classes.
  • full_properties (bool) – Controls whether the full set of resource properties should be retrieved, vs. only a minimal set as returned by the list operation.
  • filter_args (dict) – Filter arguments. None causes no filtering to happen. See the examples for usage details.

List of resource objects in scope of this manager object that match the filter arguments. These resource objects have a set of properties according to the full_properties parameter.


Exceptions raised by the list() methods in derived resource manager classes (see Reference: Resources).


  • The following example finds those OSA adapters in cage ‘1234’ of a given CPC, whose state is ‘stand-by’, ‘reserved’, or ‘unknown’:

    filter_args = {
        'adapter-family': 'osa',
        'card-location': '1234-.*',
        'state': ['stand-by', 'reserved', 'unknown'],
    osa_adapters = cpc.adapters.list(full_properties=True,

    The returned resource objects will have the full set of properties.


Find a resource by name (i.e. value of its ‘name’ resource property) and return its Python resource object (e.g. for a CPC, a Cpc object is returned).

This method performs an optimized lookup that uses a name-to-URI mapping cached in this manager object.

This method is automatically used by the find() and findall() methods, so it does not normally need to be used directly by users.

Authorization requirements:

  • see the list() method in the derived classes.

name (string) – Name of the resource (value of its ‘name’ resource property). Regular expression matching is not supported for the name for this optimized lookup.


Resource object in scope of this manager object that matches the filter arguments. This resource object has a minimal set of properties.

  • NotFound – No matching resource found.
  • Exceptions raised by the list() methods in derived resource manager classes (see Reference: Resources).


  • The following example finds a CPC by its name:

    cpc = client.cpcs.find_by_name('CPC001')

Invalidate the Name-URI cache of this manager.

Deprecated: This method is deprecated and using it will cause a DeprecationWarning to be issued. Use invalidate_cache() instead.

Base definitions for resource classes.

Resource objects represent the real manageable resources in the systems managed by the HMC.

class zhmcclient.BaseResource(manager, uri, name, properties)[source]

Abstract base class for resource classes (e.g. Cpc) representing manageable resources.

It defines the interface for the derived resource classes, and implements methods that have a common implementation for the derived resource classes.

Objects of derived resource classes are representations of the actual manageable resources in the HMC or in systems managed by the HMC.

Objects of derived resource classes should not be created by users of this package by simply instantiating the derived resource classes. Instead, such objects are created by this package and are returned to the user as a result of methods such as find() or list(). For this reason, the __init__() method of this class and of its derived resource classes are considered internal interfaces and their parameters are not documented and may change incompatibly.


The properties of this resource that are currently present in this Python object. Will not be None.

  • Key: Name of the property.
  • Value: Value of the property.

See the respective ‘Data model’ sections in the HMC API book for a description of the resources along with their properties.

The dictionary contains either the full set of resource properties, or a subset thereof, or can be empty in some cases.

Because the presence of properties in this dictionary depends on the situation, the purpose of this dictionary is only for iterating through the resource properties that are currently present.

Specific resource properties should be accessed via:

  • The resource name, via the name attribute.
  • The resource URI, via the uri attribute.
  • Any resource property, via the get_property() or prop() methods.

The properties in this dictionary are mutable. However, the properties of the actual manageable resources may or may not be mutable. Mutability for each resource property is indicated with the ‘w’ qualifier in its data model in the HMC API book.


The canonical URI path of the resource. Will not be None.

Example: /api/cpcs/12345


The name of the resource. Will not be None.

The resource name is unique across its sibling resources of the same type and with the same parent resource.

Accessing this property will cause the properties of this resource object to be updated from the HMC, if it does not yet contain the property for the resource name.


Manager object for this resource (and for all resources of the same type in the scope of that manager). Will not be None.

Type:Subclass of BaseManager

A boolean indicating whether or not the resource properties in this object are the full set of resource properties.

Note that listing resources and creating new resources produces objects that have less than the full set of properties.


The point in time of the last update of the resource properties cached in this object, as Unix time (an integer that is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch).


Retrieve the full set of resource properties and cache them in this object.

Authorization requirements:

  • Object-access permission to this resource.

Return the value of a resource property.

If the resource property is not cached in this object yet, the full set of resource properties is retrieved and cached in this object, and the resource property is again attempted to be returned.

Authorization requirements:

  • Object-access permission to this resource.

name (string) – Name of the resource property, using the names defined in the respective ‘Data model’ sections in the HMC API book.


The value of the resource property.

prop(name, default=None)[source]

Return the value of a resource property, applying a default if it does not exist.

If the resource property is not cached in this object yet, the full set of resource properties is retrieved and cached in this object, and the resource property is again attempted to be returned.

Authorization requirements:

  • Object-access permission to this resource.
  • name (string) – Name of the resource property, using the names defined in the respective ‘Data model’ sections in the HMC API book.
  • default – Default value to be used, if the resource property does not exist.

The value of the resource property.


Return a human readable string representation of this resource.

Example result:


Return a string with the state of this resource, for debug purposes.

Note that the derived resource classes that have child resources have their own __repr__() methods, because only they know which child resources they have.

9.2. Glossary

This documentation uses a few special terms:

Hardware Management Console; the node the zhmcclient talks to.
an opaque string returned by the HMC as the result of a successful logon, for use by subsequent operations instead of credential data. The HMC gives each newly created session-id a lifetime of 10 hours, and expires it after that.

The act of satisfying requests for creation, modification, or deletion of storage volumes in a storage subsystem (i.e. of the actual storage backing a storage volume object).

Storage volume objects have a fulfillment state indicating whether the volume is fulfilled, which means that the request for creation or modification has been carried out and the state of the backing volume is now in sync with the storage volume object.

Storage group objects also have a fulfillment state indicating whether all of its storage volumes are fulfilled.

9.3. Special type names

This documentation uses a few special terms to refer to Python types:

a unicode string or a byte string
unicode string
a Unicode string type (unicode in Python 2, and str in Python 3)
byte string
a byte string type (str in Python 2, and bytes in Python 3). Unless otherwise indicated, byte strings in this package are always UTF-8 encoded.
one of the number types int, long (Python 2 only), or float.
one of the integer types int or long (Python 2 only).
a Timestamp-typed value as used in the HMC API. This is a non-negative integer value representing a point in time as milliseconds since the UNIX epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC), or the value -1 to indicate special treatment of the value.
json object
a dict object that is a Python representation of a valid JSON object. See py-to-json-table for details.
header dict

a dict object that specifies HTTP header fields, as follows:

  • key (string): Name of the header field, in any lexical case. Dictionary key lookup is case sensitive, however.
  • value (string): Value of the header field.
a type for callable objects (e.g. a function, calling a class returns a new instance, instances are callable if they have a __call__() method).
a standard Python warning that indicates the use of deprecated functionality. See section Deprecations for details.
HMC API version

an HMC API version, as a tuple of (api_major_version, api_minor_version), where:

  • api_major_version (integer): The numeric major version of the HMC API.
  • api_minor_version (integer): The numeric minor version of the HMC API.

9.4. Resource model

This section lists the resources that are available at the HMC API.

The term resource in this documentation is used to denote a managed object in the system. The result of retrieving a resource through the HMC API is termed a resource representation. Python classes for resources are termed to represent a resource.

For resources within a CPC, this section covers CPCs in DPM mode and classic mode, but omits any resources that are available only in ensemble mode. See section CPCs for a definition of the CPC modes.

Some of the items in this section are qualified as short terms. They are not separate types of resources, but specific usages of resources. For example, “storage adapter” is a short term for the resource “adapter” when used for attaching storage.

9.4.1. Resources scoped to the HMC

The HMC itself.
TBD - Not yet supported.
Hardware Message

TBD - Not yet supported.

Also scoped to CPCs in any mode.

The execution of an asynchronous HMC operation.
LDAP Server Definition
The information in an HMC about an LDAP server that may be used for HMC user authorization purposes.
Metrics Context
A user-created definition of metrics that can be retrieved.
Password Rule
A rule which HMC users need to follow when creating a HMC logon password.
A session between a client of the HMC API and the HMC.
An action that an HMC user with appropriate authority can perform.
An HMC user.
User Pattern
A pattern for HMC user IDs that are not defined on the HMC as users but can be verified by an LDAP server for user authentication.
User Role
An authority role which can be assigned to one or more HMC users.

9.4.2. Resources scoped to CPCs in any mode

Capacity Record
TBD - Not yet supported.

Central Processor Complex, a physical IBM Z or LinuxONE computer.

For details, see section CPCs.

9.4.3. Resources scoped to CPCs in DPM mode

Accelerator Adapter
Short term for an Adapter providing accelerator functions (e.g. the z Systems Enterprise Data Compression (zEDC) adapter for data compression).

A physical adapter card (e.g. OSA-Express adapter, Crypto adapter) or a logical adapter (e.g. HiperSockets switch).

For details, see section Adapters.

Adapter Port
Synonym for Port.
Capacity Group
TBD - Not yet supported.
Crypto Adapter
Short term for an Adapter providing cryptographic functions.
FCP Adapter
Short term for a Storage Adapter supporting FCP (Fibre Channel Protocol).
FCP Port
Short term for a Port of an FCP Adapter.

A logical entity that provides a Partition with access to external storage area networks (SANs) through an FCP Adapter.

For details, see section HBAs.

HBA resource objects only exist when the “dpm-storage-management” feature is not enabled. See section Storage Groups for details.

Network Adapter
Short term for an Adapter for attaching networks (e.g. OSA-Express adapter).
Network Port
Short term for a Port of a Network Adapter.

Network Interface Card, a logical entity that provides a Partition with access to external communication networks through a Network Adapter.

For details, see section NICs.


A subset of the hardware resources of a CPC in DPM mode, virtualized as a separate computer.

For details, see section Partitions.


The physical connector port (jack) of an Adapter.

For details, see section Ports.

Storage Adapter
Short term for an Adapter for attaching storage.
Storage Group

A grouping entity for a set of FCP or ECKD (=FICON) storage volumes. A storage group can be attached to a partition which will cause its storage volumes to be attached to the partition.

Storage Group objects exist only when the “dpm-storage-management” feature is enabled on the CPC. For details, see section Storage Groups.

Storage Group Template
A template for Storage Groups.
Storage Port
Short term for a Port of a Storage Adapter.
Storage Volume

An FCP or ECKD (=FICON) storage volume defined in context of a storage group. The life cycle of a storage volume includes being defined but not fulfilled, being fulfilled but not attached, and finally being attached to a partition.

Storage Volume objects exist only when the “dpm-storage-management” feature is enabled on the CPC. For details, see section Storage Groups.

Storage Volume Template
A template for Storage Volumes.
Synonym for HBA. In this resource model, HBAs are always virtualized because they belong to a Partition. Therefore, the terms vHBA and HBA can be used interchangeably.
Virtual Function

A logical entity that provides a Partition with access to an Accelerator Adapter.

For details, see section Virtual Functions.

Virtual Storage Resource

A representation of a storage-related z/Architecture device in a partition. For FCP type storage volumes, a Virtual Storage Resource object represents an HBA through which the attached storage volume is accessed. For FICON (ECKD) type storage volumes, a Virtual Storage Resource object represents the attached storage volume itself.

Virtual Storage Resource objects exist only when the “dpm-storage-management” feature is enabled on the CPC. For details, see section Storage Groups.

Virtual Switch

A virtualized networking switch connecting NICs with a Network Port.

For details, see section Virtual Switches.

Synonym for NIC. In this resource model, NICs are always virtualized because they belong to a Partition. Therefore, the terms vNIC and NIC can be used interchangeably.

9.4.4. Resources scoped to CPCs in classic (and ensemble) mode

Activation Profile

A general term for specific types of activation profiles:

Group Profile
Image Activation Profile
A specific Activation Profile that defines characteristics of an LPAR.
Load Activation Profile
A specific Activation Profile that defines an operating system image that can be loaded (booted) into an LPAR.
Logical Partition

A subset of the hardware resources of a CPC in classic mode (or ensemble mode), virtualized as a separate computer.

For details, see section LPARs.

Reset Activation Profile
A specific Activation Profile that defines characteristics of a CPC.

9.5. Bibliography

ITU-T X.509, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks
IETF RFC2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1, June 1999
IETF RFC2617, HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication, June 1999
IETF RFC3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, January 2005
IETF RFC6874, Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers, February 2013
The Web Services API of the z Systems Hardware Management Console, described in the following books:
HMC API 2.11.1
IBM SC27-2616, z Systems Hardware Management Console Web Services API (Version 2.11.1)
HMC API 2.12.0
IBM SC27-2617, z Systems Hardware Management Console Web Services API (Version 2.12.0)
HMC API 2.12.1
IBM SC27-2626, z Systems Hardware Management Console Web Services API (Version 2.12.1)
HMC API 2.13.0
IBM SC27-2627, z Systems Hardware Management Console Web Services API (Version 2.13.0)
HMC API 2.13.1
IBM SC27-2634, z Systems Hardware Management Console Web Services API (Version 2.13.1)
HMC API 2.14.0
IBM SC27-2636, z Systems Hardware Management Console Web Services API (Version 2.14.0)
HMC API 2.14.1
IBM SC27-2637, z Systems Hardware Management Console Web Services API (Version 2.14.1)
HMC Operations Guide
The operations guide of the z Systems Hardware Management Console, described in the following books:
HMC Operations Guide 2.11.1
IBM SC28-6905, System z Hardware Management Console Operations Guide (Version 2.11.1)
HMC Operations Guide 2.13.1
IBM z Systems Hardware Management Console Operations Guide (Version 2.13.1)
KVM for IBM z Systems V1.1.2 System Administration
IBM SC27-8237, KVM for IBM z Systems V1.1.2 System Administration

9.7. Change log

9.7.1. Version 0.26.2

Released: 2020-08-12

Bug fixes:

  • Test: Fixed missing ffi.h file on CygWin when testing (See issue #655)
  • Fixed empty port list returned by PortManager.list() for CNA adapters.
  • Install: Fixed the broken installation from the source distribution archive on Pypi (see issue #651)


  • Test: Added ‘make installtest’ to the Makefile to test installation of the package into an empty virtualenv using all supported installation methods. Added these install tests to the Travis CI tests. (related to issue #651)

9.7.2. Version 0.26.1

Released: 2020-04-28

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Travis setup by removing circumventions for old issues that caused problems meanwhile.
  • Adjusted versions of dependent packages for development environment to fix issues on Python 3.4.
  • Fixed AttributeError when calling partition.list_attached_storage_groups(). (See issue #629)


  • Added an easy way to print debug information for inclusion into issues, via python -m zhmcclient.debuginfo. (See issue #640)

9.7.3. Version 0.26.0

Released: 2020-01-24

This version contains all changes from 0.25.1.

Bug fixes:

  • Added the missing os_ipl_token parameter to Lpar.scsi_dump().
  • Migrated from using the yamlordereddictloader package to using the yamlloader package, because yamlordereddictloader got deprecated. (See issue #605)
  • Pinned version of PyYAML to <5.3 for Python 3.4 because 5.3 removed support for Python 3.4
  • Increased minimum version of stomp.py to 4.1.23 to pick up a fix for hangs during NotificationReceiver.close(). (See issue #572)


  • Promoted the development status of the zhmcclient package on Pypi from 3 - Alpha to 4 - Beta.
  • Added support for Python 3.8 to the package metadata and to the Travis and Appveyor and Tox environments. (See issue #596)
  • Dropped the use of the pbr package. The package version is now managed in zhmcclient/_version.py. (See issue #594)
  • Test: Added support for TESTOPTS env var to Makefile to be able to specify py.test options when invoking make test.

9.7.4. Version 0.25.0

Released: 2019-12-18

Bug fixes:

  • Docs: Fixed incorrect statement about HMC version 2.14.0 supporting both GA generations of z14 machines.


  • Docs: Added HMC version 2.14.1 in “Bibliography” and “Introduction” sections.
  • Added support for following LPAR operations:
    • Lpar.psw_restart() (HMC: “PSW Restart”)
    • Lpar.scsi_dump() (HMC: “SCSI Dump”)
  • Added support for Storage Template objects in DPM mode (see issue #589).

9.7.5. Version 0.24.0

Released: 2019-08-15

Incompatible changes:

  • Operations that resulted in HTTP status 403, reason 1 (“The user under which the API request was authenticated does not have the required authority to perform the requested action.”) so far raised ServerAuthError. However, that exception does not represent that situation properly, because the login user is actually properly authenticated. The handling of this case was changed to now raise HTTPError instead of ServerAuthError. This change is only incompatible to users of the zhmcclient API who have code handling this exception specifically.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed LookupError on unknown encoding ISO-5589-1 in test_session.py test that occurred with latest requests_mock package.
  • Increased minimum version of flake8 to 3.7.0 due to difficulties with recognizing certain ‘noqa’ statements. This required explicitly specifying its dependent pycodestyle and pyflakes packages with their minimum versions, because the dependency management did not work with our minimum package versions.
  • Fixed use of incorrect HTTP method in Console.get_audit_log() and Console.get_security_log(). See issue #580.


  • Improved end2end test support for zhmcclient and its using projects. The zhmcclient.testutils package already provides some support for end2end tests by users of the zhmcclient package. It is also used by the end2end tests of the zhmcclient package itself. This change improves that support, mainly from a perspective of projects using zhmcclient.
  • Improved the show_os_messages.py example.
  • Blanked out the session ID value in the log record for logging off.
  • Changed import of ‘stomp’ module used for notifications from the HMC, to be lazy, in order to speed up the import of ‘zhmcclient’ for its users. The ‘stomp’ module is now imported when the first zhmcclient.NotificationReceiver object is created. Also, only the class needed is imported now, instead of the entire module.
  • Added timezone support to the utility function zhmcclient.datetime_from_timestamp(). The desired timezone for the returned object can now be specified as an optional argument, defaulting to UTC for compatibility. This allows displaying HMC timestamps in local time rather than just UTC time.
  • Added support for specifying multiple notification topics to zhmcclient.NotificationReceiver.

9.7.6. Version 0.23.0

Released: 2019-04-04

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the list_storage_groups.py example. It used a non-existing property on the Cpc class.
  • Passwords and session tokens are now correctly blanked out in logs. See issue #560.


  • Added support for the new “Zeroize Crypto Domain” operation that allows zeroizing a single crypto domain on a crypto adapter. This operation is supported on z14 GA2 and higher, and the corresponding LinuxOne systems.
  • Changes in logging support:
    • Removed the notion of module-specific loggers from the description of the logging chapter, because that was not used at all, and is not expected to be used in the future: Errors are supposed to be raised as exceptions and not logged, and warnings are supposed to be issued as Python warnings and not logged.
    • Escaped newlines to blanks in log messages, so that all log messages are now on a single line.
    • Changed the syntax for zhmcclient.api log messages, to start with “Called:” and “Return:” instead of “==>” and “<==”.
    • Changed the syntax for zhmcclient.hmc log messages, to start with “Request:” and “Respons:” instead of “HMC request:” and “HMC response:”, in order to have the URLs column-adjusted.

9.7.7. Version 0.22.0

Released: 2019-01-07


  • Added a mitigation for a firmware defect that causes filtering of adapters by adapter-id to return an empty result when the specified adapter-id contains hex digits (‘a’ to ‘f’). See issue #549.

9.7.8. Version 0.21.0

Released: 2018-10-31

Bug fixes:

9.7.9. Version 0.20.0

Released: 2018-10-24

Bug fixes:

  • Docs: Added missing support statements for the LinuxOne Emperor II machine generations to the documentation (The corresponding z14 was already listed).


  • Docs: Streamlined, improved and fixed the description how to release a version and how to start a new version, in the development section of the documentation.

  • Added support for Python 3.7. This required increasing the minimum versions of several Python packages in order to pick up their Python 3.7 support:

    • pyzmq from 16.0.2 to 16.0.4 (While 16.0.4 works for this, only 17.0.0 declares Python 3.6(!) support on Pypi, and Python 3.7 support is not officially declared on Pypi yet for this package).
    • PyYAML from 3.12 to 3.13 (see PyYAML issue https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/issues/126).
  • Docs: Added support statements for the z14-ZR1 and LinuxONE Rockhopper II machine generations to the documentation.

  • Added support for the z14-ZR1 and LinuxONE Rockhopper II machine generations to the Cpc.maximum_active_partitions() method.

  • Provided direct access to the (one) Console object, from the ConsoleManager and CpcManager objects, via a new console property. This is for convenience and avoids having to code find() or list() calls. The returned Console object is cached in the manager object.

    Also, added a console property to the FakedConsoleManager class in the mock support, for the same purpose.

  • Added a property client to class CpcManager for navigating from a Cpc object back to the Client object which is the top of the resource tree.

  • Added support for the new concept of firmware features to Cpcs and Partitions, by adding methods feature_enabled() and feature_info() to classes Cpc and Partition for inspection of firmware features. The firmware feature concept was introduced starting with the z14-ZR1 and LinuxONE Rockhopper II machine generation. The DPM storage management feature is the first of these new firmware features.

  • Added support for the DPM storage management feature that is available starting with the z14-ZR1 and LinuxONE Rockhopper II machine generation. This includes new resources like Storage Groups, Storage Volumes, and Virtual Storage Resources. It also includes new methods for managing storage group attachment to Partitions. The new items in the documentation are:

    • In 5.1. CPCs: list_associated_storage_groups(), validate_lun_path().
    • In 5.5. Partitions: attach_storage_group(), detach_storage_group(), list_attached_storage_groups().
    • 5.12. Storage Groups
    • 5.13. Storage Volumes
    • 5.14. Virtual Storage Resources
    • In 5.15 Console: storage_groups
  • Added support for changing the type of storage adapters between FICON and FCP, via a new method Adapter.change_adapter_type(). This capability was introduced with the z14-ZR1 and LinuxONE Rockhopper II machine generation.

9.7.10. Version 0.19.11

Released: 2018-05-14

Note: The version number of this release jumped from 0.19.0 right to 0.19.11, for tooling reasons.


  • Docs: Improved the description of installation without Internet access, and considerations on system Python vs. virtual Python environments.
  • Lowered the minimum version requirements for installing the zhmcclient package, for the packages: requests, pbr, decorator. Added support for tolerating decorator v3.4 in the zhmcclient _logging module.
  • Adjusted development environment to changes in Appveyor CI environment.

9.7.11. Version 0.19.0

Released: 2018-03-15

Incompatible changes:

  • The Lpar.deactivate() method is now non-forceful by default, but can be made to behave like previously by specifying the new force parameter. In force mode, the deactivation operation is permitted when the LPAR status is “operating”.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a flawed setup of setuptools in Python 2.7 on the Travis CI, where the metadata directory of setuptools existed twice, by adding a script remove_duplicate_setuptools.py that removes the moot copy of the metadata directory (issue #434).
  • Fixed a bug where multiple Session objects shared the same set of HTTP header fields, causing confusion in the logon status.


  • Migrated all remaining test cases from unittest to pytest, and started improving the testcases using pytest specific features such as parametrization.

  • Added support for a force parameter in the Lpar.activate(), Lpar.deactivate(), and Lpar.load() methods. It controls whether the operation is permitted when the LPAR status is “operating”.

    Note that this changes Lpar.deactivate() to be non-forceful by default (force=True was hard coded before this change).

  • Added support for an activation_profile_name option in the Lpar.activate() method, that allows specifying the activation profile to be used. The default is as before: The profile that is specified in the next-activation-profile property of the Lpar object.

  • Made the load_address parameter of Lpar.load() optional in order to support z14. Up to z13, the HMC now returns an error if no load address is specified. Adjusted the zhmcclient mock support accordingly.

  • Added LPAR status checks in the zhmcclient mock support, so that activate, deactivate and load returns the same errors as the real system when the initial LPAR status is not permitted, or when the activation profile name does not match the LPAR name, or when no load address is specified.

  • Improved the testcases for the Lpar and LparManager classes.

  • Added the ability to mock the resulting status of the faked Lpars in the zhmcclient mock support, for the Activate, Deactivate, and Load operations. Added a new chapter “URI handlers” in section “Mock support” of the documentation, to describe this new ability.

  • Added support for CPC energy management operations:

    • Cpc.set_power_save() (HMC: “Set CPC Power Save”)
    • Cpc.set_power_capping() (HMC: “Set CPC Power Capping”)
    • Cpc.get_energy_management_properties() (HMC: “Get CPC Energy Management Data”)
  • The zhmcclient package no longer adds a NullHandler to the Python root logger (but still to the zhmcclient.api/.hmc loggers).

  • Added a function test concept that tests against a real HMC.

9.7.12. Version 0.18.0

Released: 2017-10-19

Incompatible changes:

  • Removed the zhmc CLI support from this project, moving it into a new GitHub project zhmcclient/zhmccli.

    This removes the following prerequisite Python packages for the zhmcclient package:

    • click
    • click-repl
    • click-spinner
    • progressbar2
    • tabulate
    • prompt_toolkit (from click-repl)
    • python-utils (from progressbar2)
    • wcwidth (from prompt-toolkit -> click-repl)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a flawed setup of setuptools in Python 2.7 on the Travis CI, where the metadata directory of setuptools existed twice, by adding a script remove_duplicate_setuptools.py that removes the moot copy of the metadata directory (issue #434).

9.7.13. Version 0.17.0

Released: 2017-09-20

Incompatible changes:

  • The zhmcclient mock support for Partitions no longer allows to stop a partition when it is in status ‘degraded’ or ‘reservation-error’. That is consistent with the real HMC as described in the HMC API book.
  • In the HTTPError exception class, args[0] was set to the body argument, i.e. to the entore response body. Because by convention, args[0] should be a human readable message, this has been changed to now set args[0] to the ‘message’ field in the response body, or to None if not present.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug that aborting a confirmation question in the CLI (e.g. for “zhmc partition delete”) caused an AttributeError to be raised. It now prints “Aborted!” and in interactive mode, terminates only the current command. (issue #418).
  • Fixed an AttributeError when calling ‘zhmc vfunction update’. Access to a partition from nic and vfunction is done via the respective manager (issue #416).
  • In the zhmc CLI, fixed that creating a new session reused an existing session. This prevented switching between userids on the same HMC (issue #422).
  • Docs: In the “Introduction” chapter of the documentation, fixed the HMC API version shown for z14.
  • Docs: In the Appendix of the documentation, added IBM book number and link for the HMC API book of z14.


  • Avoided DeprecationWarning on Python 3 for invalid escape sequences in some places.
  • The zhmcclient mock support for various resource classes did not always check for invalid CPC status and for invalid Partition status as described in the HMC API book. It now does.
  • In the mock support, invalid input to faked resource classes (mainly when adding faked resources) is now handled by raising a new exception zhmcclient_mock.InputError (instead of ValueError). The URI handler of the mock support now converts that into an HTTP error 400 (Bad Request), consistent with the HMC API book.
  • Added datetime_from_timestamp() and datetime_from_timestamp() functions that convert between Python datetime objects and HMC timestamp numbers.
  • Added mock support for Metrics resources.
  • Added a verify argument to Session.logoff(), consistent with Session.logon(). This was needed as part of fixing issue #422.
  • Added a __repr__() function to the Session class, for debug purposes.
  • In the ParseError exception class, a message of None is now tolerated, for consistency with the other zhmcclient exception classes.
  • In the NotFound exception class, a filter_args parameter of None is now tolerated, for consistency with the NoUniqueMatch exception class.
  • Documented for the zhmcclient exception classes how args[0] is set.
  • Clarified in the documentation that the manager and resources parameters of the NoUniqueMatch and NotFound exception classes must not be None.
  • Improved the unit test cases for the Client class and for the zhmcclient exception classes, and migrated them to py.test.
  • Migrated the unit tests for HBAs from unittest to py.test, and improved the test cases.
  • In the Hba.reassign_port() method, updated the Hba object with the changed port, consistent with other update situations.
  • Clarified in the description of HbaManager.list() that only the ‘element-uri’ property is returned and can be used for filtering.
  • The mock support for the “Create NIC” operation now performs more checking on the URIs specified in the ‘network-adapter-port’ or ‘virtual-switch-uri’ input properties, raising HTTP status 404 (Not Found) as specified in the HMC API book.
  • In the FakedNic.add() method of the mock support, the checking for the URIs specified in the ‘network-adapter-port’ or ‘virtual-switch-uri’ input properties was relaxed to only the minimum, in order to make the setting up of faked resources easier.
  • Migrated the unit tests for Nic and NicManager from unittest to py.test, and improved them.
  • Improved the way the named tuples MetricGroupDefinition and MetricDefinition are documented.
  • Added support for Console resource and its child resources User, User Role, User Pattern, Password Rule, Task, and LDAP Server Definition, both for the zhmcclient API and for the zhmcclient mock support.
  • As part of support for the Console resource, added a new resource class UnmanagedCpc which representd unmanaged CPCs that have been discovered by the HMC. The existing Cpc class continues to represent only managed CPCs; this has been clarified in the documentation.
  • As part of support for the Console resource, added a method wait_for_available() to the Client class, which waits until the HMC is available again after a restart. This method is used by Console.restart(), but it can also be used by zhmcclient users.
  • As part of support for the Console resource, improved Session.post() to allow for an empty response body when the operation returns with HTTP status 202 (Accepted). This status code so far was always assumed to indicate that an asynchronous job had been started, but it can happen in some Console operations as well.
  • Improved the error information in the ParseError exception, by adding the “Content-Type” header in cases where that is interesting.
  • Add CLI commmands to mount and unmount an ISO to a Partition.

9.7.14. Version 0.16.0

Released: 2017-08-29

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed CLI: Remove defaults for options for ‘partition update’ (issue #405).


  • Added Code Climate support.

9.7.15. Version 0.15.0

Released: 2017-08-15

Incompatible changes:

  • In case the user code was specifically processing the reason code 900 used for HTML-formatted error responses with HTTP status 500: This reason code has been split up into multiple reason codes. See the corresponding item in section “Enhancements”.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a TypeError: “‘odict_values’ object does not support indexing” on Python 3.x (issue #372).
  • Minor fixes in the documentation (e.g. fixed name of MetricGroupValues class).
  • Fixed the zhmc CLI for Python 3 where multiple commands raised AttributeError: “‘dict’ object has no attribute ‘iteritems’ in zhmccli/_helper.py. (issue #396).


  • Added support for the HMC Metric Service. For details, see section ‘Metrics’ in the zhmcclient documentation. There is an example script metrics.py demonstrating the use of the metrics support. The metrics support caused an additional package requirement for the pytz package.
  • Added support for a “metrics” command to the zhmc CLI.
  • Added support for the IBM z14 system (in internal machine type tables and in the documentation).
  • zhmccli: Support for ‘authorization controls’ of a Partition (issue #380)
  • Added CLI support for processing weights (issue #383)
  • The HTTPError raised at the API for HMC Web Services not enabled now has a simple error message and uses a specific reason code of 900. Previously, the returned HTML-formatted response body was used for the message and a generic reason code of 999. All other HTML-formatted error responses still use the generic reason code 999. That reason code 999 is now documented to be changed to more specific reason codes, over time. (issue #296).
  • Reduced the package requirements to only the direct dependencies of this package.
  • Changed the experimental Cpc.get_free_crypto_domains() method to test only control-usage access to the specified adapters. Improved that method by supporting None for the list of adapters which means to inspect all crypto adapters of the CPC.

9.7.16. Version 0.14.0

Released: 2017-07-07

Incompatible changes:

  • Changed the return value of TimeStatsKeeper.snapshot() from a list of key/value tuples to a dictionary. This is more flexible and reduces the number of data structure conversions in different scenarios. See issue #269.
  • Changed the arguments of Partition.mount_iso_image() incompatibly, in order to fix issue #57.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the documentation of several asynchronous Partition methods that incorrectly documented returning None in case of synchronous invocation, to now document returning an empty dictionary:

    • Partition.start()
    • Partition.stop()
    • Partition.dump_partition()
    • Partition.psw_restart()

    All other asynchronous methods did not have this issue. See issue #248.

  • Clarified in the documentation of all exceptions that have a details instance variable, that it is never None.

  • Fixed using ‘–ssc-dns-servers’ option for the CLI commands ‘zhmc partition create/update’. See issue #310.

  • Fixed the incorrect parameters of Partition.mount_iso_image(). See issue #57.

  • Reads the vlan-id as a integer instead as a string for the ‘zhmc nic create/update’ cli command. See issue #337.

  • Fixed the AttributeError that occurred when using zhmcclient in Jupyter notebooks, or in the python interactive mode. See issue #341.


  • Improved content of zhmcclient.ParseError message for better problem analysis.
  • Increased the default status timeout from 60 sec to 15 min, in order to accomodate for some large environments. The status timeout applies to waiting for reaching the desired LPAR status after the HMC operation ‘Activate LPAR’ or ‘Deactivate LPAR’ has completed.
  • Allow None as a value for the load_parameter argument of Lpar.load(), and changed the default to be None (the latter change does not change the behavior).
  • Added actual status, desired statuses and status timeout as attributes to the StatusTimeout exception, for programmatic processing by callers.
  • In the zhmc CLI, added a --allow-status-exceptions option for the lpar activate/deactivate/load commands. Setting this option causes the LPAR status “exceptions” to be considered an additional valid end status when waiting for completion of the operation.
  • Improved documentation of CLI output formats.
  • Simplified the message of the OperationTimeout exception.
  • Split the AuthError exception into ClientAuthError and ServerAuthError that are used depending on where the authentication issue is detected. Reason for the split was that the two subclasses have different instance variables. The AuthError exception class is now an abstract base class that is never raised but can be used to catch exceptions.
  • Made error data available as instance variables of the following exceptions: ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout, RetriesExceeded, ClientAuthError, ServerAuthError, OperationTimeout, and StatusTimeout, NotFound, NoUniqueMatch.
  • Improved unit test cases for zhmcclient._exceptions module.
  • Added support to the zhmc CLI for an interactive session to the console of the operating system running in a partition (zhmc partition console) or LPAR (zhmc lpar console).
  • Added str_def() method to all exception classes, which returns a definition-style string for parsing by scripts.
  • In the zhmc CLI, added options -e, --error-format for controlling the format of error messages. The -e def option selects the format returned by the new str_def() methods. This format provides for easier parsing of details of error messages by invoking scripts.
  • Added wait_for_status() methods to the Lpar and Partition classes, in order to ease the work for users that need to ensure that a particular LPAR or partition status is reached.
  • Added support for crypto-related methods on the Partition and Adapter resource classes. Added zhmcclient mock support for the faked partition (not yet for the faked adapter).
  • Added that Partition.start() waits for reaching the desired status ‘active’ or ‘degraded’, because it transitions through status ‘paused’ when starting a partition.
  • Improved the NoUniqueMatch exception so that the list of resources that did match the filter, are shown with their URIs in the error message, and are available as new resources and resource_uris attributes. This change adds a required argument resources to the constructor of NoUniqueMatch. However, since this exception is only supposed to be raised by the zhmcclient implementation, this change is compatible to zhmcclient users.
  • Moved the invocation of PyLint from the “make check” target into its own “make pylint” target, inorder to speed up the CI testing.
  • Added the ability for Session.post() to support binary data as the payload. The body argument may now be a dictionary which is represented as a JSON string, a binary string which is used directly, or a unicode string which is encoded using UTF-8. This was necessary to fix issue #57.
  • In the zhmcclient mock support, added a Python property name to all faked resources, which returns the value of the ‘name’ resource property.
  • Added a Python property maximum_crypto_domains to the Adapter class, which returns the maximum number of crypto domains of a crypto adapter.
  • Added a Python property maximum_active_partitions to the Cpc class, which returns the maximum number of active LPARs or partitions of a CPC.
  • Added get_free_crypto_domains() method to the Cpc class, in order to find out free domain index numbers for a given set of crypto adapters. Note: This method is considered experimental in this version.
  • Added an update_properties() method to the Lpar and Cpc resource classes.
  • Improved the description of the Hba.create() and Nic.create() methods to describe how the backing adapter port is specified.
  • Extended the zhmcclient mock support by adding support for all operations thet are supported at the zhmcclient API but were not yet supported for mocking, so far.

9.7.17. Version 0.13.0

Released: 2017-05-18

Incompatible changes:

  • In the CLI, changed the default for number of processors for the zhmc partition create command to create 1 IFL by default, if neither IFLs nor CPs had been specified. Also, a specified number of 0 processors is now passed on to the HMC (and rejected there) instead of being removed by the CLI. This keeps the logic simpler and more understandable. See also issue #258.


  • Deprecated the BaseManager.flush() method in favor of the new BaseManager.invalidate_cache() method.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed that the defaults for memory for the zhmc partition create command were ignored (issue #246).
  • The default values for the retry / timeout configuration for a session has been changed to disable read retries and to set the read timeout to 1 hour. In addition, read retries are now restricted to HTTP GET methods, in case the user enabled read retries. See issue #249.
  • Fixed that resource creation, deletion, and resource property updating now properly updates the resource name-to-URI cache in the zhmcclient that is maintained in the *Manager objects. As part of that, the BaseManager init function got an additional required argument session, but because creation of manager objects is not part of the external API, this should not affect users. See issue #253.
  • In the unit testcases for the update_properties() and delete() methods of resource classes, fixed incorrect assumptions about their method return values. See issue #256.
  • In the unit testcases for the update_properties() and delete() methods of resource classes, fixed incorrectly returned response bodies for mocked DELETE and POST (for update), and replaced that with status 204 (no content). This came up as part of fixing issue #256.
  • Fixed that find(name) raised NotFound for existing resources, for resource types that are elements (i.e. NICs, HBAs, VFs, Ports) (issue #264).
  • Fixed that the filter arguments for find(), findall(), and list() for string properties when matched on the client side are matched using regular expressions instead of exact matching, consistent with the zhmcclient documentation, and with server-side matching on the HMC. See issue #263.
  • Fixed that the filter arguments for find(), findall(), and list() when used with lists of match values incorrectly applied ANDing between the list items. They now apply ORing, consistent with the zhmcclient documentation, and with server-side matching on the HMC. See issue #267.
  • Fixed that the Cpc.dpm_enabled property incorrectly returned True on a z13 in classic mode. See issue #277.
  • Fixed errors in zhmcclient mock support related to DPM mode checking.
  • Fixed that filter arguments specifying properties that are not on each resource, resulted in raising KeyError. An example was when the “card-location” property was specified when finding adapters; that property does not exist for Hipersocket adapters, but for all other types. This situation is now handled by treating such resources as non-matching. See issue #271.
  • Fix when providing ‘load-parameter’ option. See issue #273


  • Added content to the “Concepts” chapter in the documentation.
  • The update_properties() method of all Python resource objects now also updates the properties of that Python resource object with the properties provided by the user (in addition to issuing the corresponding Update Properties HMC operation. This was done because that is likely the expectation of users, and we already store user-provided properties in Python resource objects when creating resources so it is now consistent with that. This came up as part of issue #253.
  • As part of fixing the name-to-URI cache, a new attribute name_uri_cache_timetolive was added to class RetryTimeoutConfig, which allows controlling after what time the name-to-URI cache is automatically invalidated. The default for that is set in a new DEFAULT_NAME_URI_CACHE_TIMETOLIVE constant. Also, the *Manager classes now have a new method invalidate_cache() which can be used to manually invalidate the name-to-URI cache, for cases where multiple parties (besides the current zhmcclient instance) change resources on the HMC. This came up as part of issue #253.
  • Improved the documentation of the lookup methods (list(), find(), findall()) and of the resource filtering concept in section ‘Filtering’. Related to issue #261.
  • Added zhmcclient mock support for the Create Hipersocket and Delete Hipersocket operations.
  • Added support for filtering in the zhmcclient mock support.
  • In order to improve the ability to debug the resource and manager objects at the API and the faked resource and manager objects of the mock support, the __repr()__ methods ahave been improved. Because these functions now display a lot of data, and because testing their string layout is not very interesting, all unit test cases that tested the result of __repr()__ methods have been removed.
  • Add basic Secure Service Container support to the CLI.

9.7.18. Version 0.12.0

Released: 2017-04-13

Incompatible changes:

  • The password retrieval function that can optionally be passed to Session() has changed its interface; it is now being called with host and userid. Related to issue #225.

Bug fixes:

  • Added WWPN support in mocking framework (issue #212).
  • Fixed error in mock support where the operation_timeout argument to FakedSession.post() was missing.
  • Fixed a bug in the unit test for the mock support, that caused incomplete expected results not to be surfaced, and fixed the incomplete testcases.
  • Fixed in the CLI that the spinner character was part of the output.
  • Improved robustness of timestats tests by measuring the actual sleep time instead of going by the requested sleep time.
  • Added support for ‘error’ field in ‘job-results’ (fixes issue #228).
  • Fixed version mismatches in CI test environment when testing with the minimum package level by consistently using the latest released packages as of zhmcclient v0.9.0 (2016-12-27). This caused an increase in versions of packages needed for the runtime.


  • Improved the mock support by adding the typical attributes of its superclass FakedBaseResource to the FakedHmc class.
  • Improved the mock support by adding __repr__() methods to all Faked* classes that return an object representation suitable for debugging.
  • In the mock support, the following resource properties are now auto-set if not specified in the input properties:
    • Cpc:
      • ‘dpm-enabled’ is auto-set to False, if not specified.
      • ‘is-ensemble-member’ is auto-set to False, if not specified.
      • ‘status’ is auto-set, if not specified, as follows: If the ‘dpm-enabled’ property is True, it is set to ‘active’; otherwise it is set to ‘operating’.
    • Partition: ‘status’ is auto-set to ‘stopped’, if not specified.
    • Lpar: ‘status’ is auto-set to ‘not-activated’, if not specified.
    • Adapter: ‘status’ is auto-set to ‘active’, if not specified.
  • In the CLI, added -y as a shorter alternative to the existing --yes options, that allow skipping confirmation prompts.
  • Added OS-X as a test environment to the Travis CI setup.
  • In the CLI, added a -p / --password option for specifying the HMC password (issue #225).
  • Added logging support to the zhmc CLI (issue #113).
  • Added ‘load-parameter’ option to ‘zhmc lpar load’ (issue #226).

9.7.19. Version 0.11.0

Released: 2017-03-16

Incompatible changes:

  • Changed the return value of all methods on resource classes that invoke asynchronous operations (i.e. all methods that have a wait_for_completion parameter), as follows:
    • For wait_for_completion=True, the JSON object in the ‘job-results’ field is now returned, or None if not present (i.e. no result data). Previously, the complete response was returned as a JSON object.
    • For wait_for_completion=False, a new Job object is now returned that allows checking and waiting for completion directly on the Job object. Previously, the whole response of the ‘Query Job Status’ operation was returned as a JSON object, and the job completion was checked on the Session object, and one could not wait for completion.
  • Changed the default value of the wait_for_completion parameter of the Session.post() method from True to False, in order to avoid superfluos timestats entries. This method is not normally used by users of the zhmcclient package.
  • Removed the version strings from the args[] property of the zhmcclient.VersionError exception class. They had been available as args[1] and args[2]. args[0] continues to be the error message, and the min_api_version and api_version properties continue to provide the version strings.
  • Changed the names of the Python loggers as follows:
    1. Logger ‘zhmcclient.api’ logs API calls made by the user of the package, at log level DEBUG. Internal calls to API functions are no longer logged.
    2. Logger ‘zhmcclient.hmc’ logs HMC operations. Their log level has been changed from INFO to DEBUG.
  • Removed the log calls for the HMC request ID.

Bug fixes:

  • Added a minimum version requirement >=4.0.0 for the dependency on the “decorate” Python package (issue #199).
  • Increased minimum version of “click-spinner” package to 0.1.7, in order to pick up the fix for zhmcclient issue #116.
  • Fixed CLI help text for multiple commands, where the text was incorrectly flowed into a paragraph.


  • Added support for retry/timeout configuration of HTTP sessions, via a new RetryTimeoutConfig class that can be specified for the Session object. The retry/timeout configuration can specify:
    • HTTP connect timeout and number of retries.
    • HTTP read timeout (of HTTP responses), and number of retries.
    • Maximum number of HTTP redirects.
  • Added new exceptions zhmcclient.ConnectTimeout (for HTTP connect timeout), zhmcclient.ResponseReadTimeout (for HTTP response read timeout), and zhmcclient.RequestRetriesExceeded (for HTTP request retry exceeded). They are all derived from zhmcclient.ConnectionError.
  • Fixed a discrepancy between documentation and actual behavior of the return value of all methods on resource classes that invoke asynchronous operations (i.e. all methods that have a wait_for_completion parameter). See also the corresponding incompatible change (issue #178).
  • In the CLI, added a ‘help’ command that displays help for interactive mode, and a one-line hint that explains how to get help and how to exit interactive mode (issue #197).
  • In the CLI, added support for command history. The history is stored in the file ~/.zhmc_history.
  • In the CLI, changed the prompt of the interactive mode to zhmc>.
  • Added support for tolerating HTML content in the response, instead of JSON. An HTML formatted error message may be in the response for some 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes (e.g. when the WS API is disabled). Such responses are raised as HTTPError exceptions with an artificial reason code of 999.
  • Fixed an incorrect use of the zhmcclient.AuthError exception and unnecessary checking of HMC behavior, i.e. when the HMC fails with “API session token expired” for an operation that does not require logon. This error should never be returned for operations that do not require logon. If it would be returned, it is now handled in the same way as when the operation does require logon, i.e. by a re-logon.
  • Added support for deferred status polling to the Lpar.activate/deactivate/load() methods. The HMC operations issued by these methods exhibit “deferred status” behavior, which means that it takes a few seconds after successful completion of the asynchronous job that executes the operation, until the new status can be observed in the ‘status’ property of the LPAR resource. These methods will poll the LPAR status until the desired status value is reached. A status timeout can be specified via a new status_timeout parameter to these methods, which defaults to 60 seconds. If the timeout expires, a new StatusTimeout exception is raised (issue #191).
  • Added operation timeout support to Session.post() and to all resource methods with a wait_for_completion parameter (i.e. the asynchronous methods). The operation timeout on the asynchronous methods can be specified via a new operation_timeout parameter, which defaults to 3600 seconds. If the timeout expires, a new OperationTimeout exception is raised (issue #6).
  • Added a new module that defines public constants, and that defines default timeout and retry values.
  • Experimental: In the CLI, added more supported table formats (plain, simple, psql, rst, mediawiki, html, LaTeX).
  • Improved the content of the log messages for logged API calls and HMC operations to now contain the function call arguments and return values (for API calls) and the HTTP request and response details (for HMC operations). For HMC operations and API calls that contain the HMC password, the password is hidden in the log message by replacing it with a few ‘*’ characters.

9.7.20. Version 0.10.0

Released: 2017-02-02

Incompatible changes:

  • The support for server-side filtering caused an incompatibility for the find() and findall() methods: For String typed resource properties, the provided filter string is now interpreted as a regular expression that is matched against the actual property value, whereby previously it was matched by exact string comparison.
  • The parameter signatures of the __init__() methods of BaseResource and BaseManager have changed incompatibly. These methods have always been considered internal to the package. They are now explicitly stated to be internal and their parameters are no longer documented. If users have made themselves dependent on these parameters (e.g. by writing a mock layer), they will need to adjust to the new parameter signature. See the code for details.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the CLI code tries to access ‘cpc’ from the ‘partition’ directly without going via the manager property. This caused an AttributeError (issue #161).
  • Fixed unrecognized field (‘adapter-port’) during ‘HBA create’ (issue #163).


  • Added filter arguments to the list() method, and added support for processing as many filter arguments as supported on the server side via filter query parameters in the URI of the HMC List operation. The remaining filter arguments are processed on the client side in the list() method.
  • Changed the keyword arguments of the find() and findall() methods to be interpreted as filter arguments that are passed to the list() method.
  • Documented the authorization requirements for each method, and in total in a new section “Setting up the HMC”.
  • Added a method open_os_message_channel() on Partition and Lpar objects, that returns a notification token for receiving operating system messages as HMC notifications.
  • Experimental: Added a class NotificationReceiver that supports receiving and iterating through HMC notificationsi for a notification token, e.g. those produced by open_os_message_channel().

9.7.21. Version 0.9.0

Released: 2017-01-11

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where accessing the ‘name’ property via the properties attribute caused KeyError to be raised (issue #137). Note that there is now a recommendation to use get_property() or the name or uri attributes for accessing specific properties. The properties attribute should only be used for iterating over the currently present resource properties, but not for expecting particular properties.
  • Fixing regression in findall(name=..) (issue #141).


  • Changed links to HMC API books in Bibliography to no longer require IBM ID (issue #131).
  • Added example shell script showing how to use the command line interface.
  • Improved the examples with better print messages, exception handling, access of resource properties, and refreshing of resources.
  • Added support for load-parameter field in lpar.load().

9.7.22. Version 0.8.0

Released: 2016-12-27


  • Added support in CLI for remaining cmds; client improvements.
  • Added a tool ‘tools/cpcdata’ for gathering information about all CPCs managed by a set of HMCs. The data can optionally be appended to a CSV spreadsheet, for regular monitoring.

9.7.23. Version 0.7.0

Released: 2016-12-08

Bug fixes:

  • IOError during click-spinner 0.1.4 install (issue #120)


  • Documentation for zhmc CLI

9.7.24. Version 0.6.0

Released: 2016-12-07

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed typo in help message of cpcinfo.
  • Fixed KeyError: ‘status’ when running example5.py (issue #99).
  • Fixed documentation of field Partition.hbas (issue #101).
  • Fixed new Flake8 issue E305.


  • Started raising a ParseError exception when the JSON payload in a HTTP response cannot be parsed, and improved the definition of the ParseError exception by adding line and column information.
  • Improved the AuthError and ConnectionError exceptions by adding a details property that provides access to the underlying exception describing details.
  • For asynchronous operations that are invoked with wait_for_completion, added an entry in the time statistics for the overall operation from the start to completion of the asynchronous operation. That entry is for a URI that is the target URI, appended with “+completion”.
  • Added time statistics entry for overall asynchronous operations.
  • Improved VersionError exception class and removed number-of-args tests.
  • Added the option to create a session object with a given session id.
  • Added base implementation of a command line interface (zhmc) for the zhmcclient.

9.7.25. Version 0.5.0

Released: 2016-10-04

Incompatible changes:

  • In VirtualSwitch.get_connected_vnics(), renamed the method to get_connected_nics() and changed its return value to return Nic objects instead of their URIs.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed that in Partition.dump_partition(), wait_for_completion was always passed on as True, ignoring the corresponding input argument.


  • Added a script named tools/cpcinfo that displays information about CPCs. Invoke with -h for help.
  • Added a prop() method for resources that allows specifying a default value in case the property does not exist.
  • Added get_wwpns() which performs HMC operation ‘Export WWPN List’.
  • Added reassign_port() which performs HMC operation ‘Reassign Storage Adapter Port’.
  • Clarifications in the Resource model section.
  • Optimized dpm_enabled property to use ‘List Partitions’ and ‘List Logical Partitions’ operations, in order to avoid the ‘List CPC Properties’ operation.
  • Improved tutorials.

9.7.26. Version 0.4.0

Released: 2016-09-13

This is the base version for this change log.