Source code for zhmcclient._console

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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A :term:`Console` resource represents an HMC.

In a paired setup with primary and alternate HMC, each HMC is represented as
a separate :term:`Console` resource.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import time

from ._manager import BaseManager
from ._resource import BaseResource
from ._logging import logged_api_call
from ._utils import timestamp_from_datetime
from ._storage_group import StorageGroupManager
from ._user import UserManager
from ._user_role import UserRoleManager
from ._user_pattern import UserPatternManager
from ._password_rule import PasswordRuleManager
from ._task import TaskManager
from ._ldap_server_definition import LdapServerDefinitionManager
from ._unmanaged_cpc import UnmanagedCpcManager

__all__ = ['ConsoleManager', 'Console']

[docs]class ConsoleManager(BaseManager): """ Manager providing access to the :term:`Console` representing the HMC this client is connected to. In a paired setup with primary and alternate HMC, each HMC is represented as a separate :term:`Console` resource. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseManager`; see there for common methods and attributes. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are accessible via the following instance variable of a :class:`~zhmcclient.Client` object: * :attr:`zhmcclient.Client.consoles` """ def __init__(self, client): # This function should not go into the docs. # Parameters: # client (:class:`~zhmcclient.Client`): # Client object for the HMC to be used. super(ConsoleManager, self).__init__( resource_class=Console, class_name='console', session=client.session, parent=None, base_uri='/api/console', oid_prop='object-id', uri_prop='object-uri', name_prop='name', query_props=None, list_has_name=False) self._client = client self._console = None @property def client(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.Client`: The client defining the scope for this manager. """ return self._client @property def console(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.Console`: The :term:`Console` representing the HMC this client is connected to. The returned object is cached, so it is looked up only upon first access to this property. The returned object has only the following properties set: * 'object-uri' Use :meth:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource.get_property` or :meth:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource.prop` to access any properties regardless of whether they are already set or first need to be retrieved. """ if self._console is None: self._console = self.list()[0] return self._console
[docs] @logged_api_call def list(self, full_properties=True, filter_args=None): """ List the (one) :term:`Console` representing the HMC this client is connected to. Authorization requirements: * None Parameters: full_properties (bool): Controls whether the full set of resource properties should be retrieved, vs. only a short set consisting of 'object-uri'. filter_args (dict): This parameter exists for consistency with other list() methods and will be ignored. Returns: : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Console` objects, containing the one :term:`Console` representing the HMC this client is connected to. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ uri = self._base_uri # There is only one console object. if full_properties: props = self.session.get(uri) else: # Note: The Console resource's Object ID is not part of its URI. props = { self._uri_prop: uri, } resource_obj = self.resource_class( manager=self, uri=props[self._uri_prop], name=props.get(self._name_prop, None), properties=props) return [resource_obj]
[docs]class Console(BaseResource): """ Representation of a :term:`Console`. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource`; see there for common methods and attributes. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are returned from creation or list functions on their manager object (in this case, :class:`~zhmcclient.ConsoleManager`). """ def __init__(self, manager, uri, name=None, properties=None): # This function should not go into the docs. # manager (:class:`~zhmcclient.ConsoleManager`): # Manager object for this resource object. # uri (string): # Canonical URI path of the resource. # name (string): # Name of the resource. # properties (dict): # Properties to be set for this resource object. May be `None` or # empty. assert isinstance(manager, ConsoleManager), \ "Console init: Expected manager type %s, got %s" % \ (ConsoleManager, type(manager)) super(Console, self).__init__(manager, uri, name, properties) # The manager objects for child resources (with lazy initialization): self._storage_groups = None self._users = None self._user_roles = None self._user_patterns = None self._password_rules = None self._tasks = None self._ldap_server_definitions = None self._unmanaged_cpcs = None @property def storage_groups(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.StorageGroupManager`: Manager object for the Storage Groups in scope of this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._storage_groups: self._storage_groups = StorageGroupManager(self) return self._storage_groups @property def users(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.UserManager`: Access to the :term:`Users <User>` in this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._users: self._users = UserManager(self) return self._users @property def user_roles(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.UserRoleManager`: Access to the :term:`User Roles <User Role>` in this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._user_roles: self._user_roles = UserRoleManager(self) return self._user_roles @property def user_patterns(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.UserPatternManager`: Access to the :term:`User Patterns <User Pattern>` in this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._user_patterns: self._user_patterns = UserPatternManager(self) return self._user_patterns @property def password_rules(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.PasswordRuleManager`: Access to the :term:`Password Rules <Password Rule>` in this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._password_rules: self._password_rules = PasswordRuleManager(self) return self._password_rules @property def tasks(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.TaskManager`: Access to the :term:`Tasks <Task>` in this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._tasks: self._tasks = TaskManager(self) return self._tasks @property def ldap_server_definitions(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.LdapServerDefinitionManager`: Access to the :term:`LDAP Server Definitions <LDAP Server Definition>` in this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._ldap_server_definitions: self._ldap_server_definitions = LdapServerDefinitionManager(self) return self._ldap_server_definitions @property def unmanaged_cpcs(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.UnmanagedCpcManager`: Access to the unmanaged :term:`CPCs <CPC>` in this Console. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._unmanaged_cpcs: self._unmanaged_cpcs = UnmanagedCpcManager(self) return self._unmanaged_cpcs
[docs] @logged_api_call def restart(self, force=False, wait_for_available=True, operation_timeout=None): """ Restart the HMC represented by this Console object. Once the HMC is online again, this Console object, as well as any other resource objects accessed through this HMC, can continue to be used. An automatic re-logon will be performed under the covers, because the HMC restart invalidates the currently used HMC session. Authorization requirements: * Task permission for the "Shutdown/Restart" task. * "Remote Restart" must be enabled on the HMC. Parameters: force (bool): Boolean controlling whether the restart operation is processed when users are connected (`True`) or not (`False`). Users in this sense are local or remote GUI users. HMC WS API clients do not count as users for this purpose. wait_for_available (bool): Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for the HMC to become available again after the restart, as follows: * If `True`, this method will wait until the HMC has restarted and is available again. The :meth:`~zhmcclient.Client.query_api_version` method will be used to check for availability of the HMC. * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has accepted the request to be restarted. operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, for waiting for HMC availability after the restart. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_available=True`, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for the HMC to become available again after the restart. """ body = {'force': force} + '/operations/restart', body=body) if wait_for_available: time.sleep(10) self.manager.client.wait_for_available( operation_timeout=operation_timeout)
[docs] @logged_api_call def shutdown(self, force=False): """ Shut down and power off the HMC represented by this Console object. While the HMC is powered off, any Python resource objects retrieved from this HMC may raise exceptions upon further use. In order to continue using Python resource objects retrieved from this HMC, the HMC needs to be started again (e.g. by powering it on locally). Once the HMC is available again, Python resource objects retrieved from that HMC can continue to be used. An automatic re-logon will be performed under the covers, because the HMC startup invalidates the currently used HMC session. Authorization requirements: * Task permission for the "Shutdown/Restart" task. * "Remote Shutdown" must be enabled on the HMC. Parameters: force (bool): Boolean controlling whether the shutdown operation is processed when users are connected (`True`) or not (`False`). Users in this sense are local or remote GUI users. HMC WS API clients do not count as users for this purpose. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ body = {'force': force} + '/operations/shutdown', body=body)
[docs] @logged_api_call def make_primary(self): """ Change the role of the alternate HMC represented by this Console object to become the primary HMC. If that HMC is already the primary HMC, this method does not change its rols and succeeds. The HMC represented by this Console object must participate in a {primary, alternate} pairing. Authorization requirements: * Task permission for the "Manage Alternate HMC" task. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ + '/operations/make-primary')
@staticmethod def _time_query_parms(begin_time, end_time): """Return the URI query paramterer string for the specified begin time and end time.""" query_parms = [] if begin_time is not None: begin_ts = timestamp_from_datetime(begin_time) qp = 'begin-time={}'.format(begin_ts) query_parms.append(qp) if end_time is not None: end_ts = timestamp_from_datetime(end_time) qp = 'end-time={}'.format(end_ts) query_parms.append(qp) query_parms_str = '&'.join(query_parms) if query_parms_str: query_parms_str = '?' + query_parms_str return query_parms_str
[docs] @logged_api_call def get_audit_log(self, begin_time=None, end_time=None): """ Return the console audit log entries, optionally filtered by their creation time. Authorization requirements: * Task permission to the "Audit and Log Management" task. Parameters: begin_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`): Begin time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time older than the begin time will be omitted from the results. If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the oldest available log entries will be included). end_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`): End time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time newer than the end time will be omitted from the results. If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the newest available log entries will be included). Returns: :term:`json object`: A JSON object with the log entries, as described in section 'Response body contents' of operation 'Get Console Audit Log' in the :term:`HMC API` book. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ query_parms = self._time_query_parms(begin_time, end_time) uri = self.uri + '/operations/get-audit-log' + query_parms result = self.manager.session.get(uri) return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def get_security_log(self, begin_time=None, end_time=None): """ Return the console security log entries, optionally filtered by their creation time. Authorization requirements: * Task permission to the "View Security Logs" task. Parameters: begin_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`): Begin time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time older than the begin time will be omitted from the results. If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the oldest available log entries will be included). end_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`): End time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time newer than the end time will be omitted from the results. If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the newest available log entries will be included). Returns: :term:`json object`: A JSON object with the log entries, as described in section 'Response body contents' of operation 'Get Console Security Log' in the :term:`HMC API` book. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ query_parms = self._time_query_parms(begin_time, end_time) uri = self.uri + '/operations/get-security-log' + query_parms result = self.manager.session.get(uri) return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def list_unmanaged_cpcs(self, name=None): """ List the unmanaged CPCs of this HMC. For details, see :meth:`~zhmcclient.UnmanagedCpc.list`. Authorization requirements: * None Parameters: name (:term:`string`): Regular expression pattern for the CPC name, as a filter that narrows the list of returned CPCs to those whose name property matches the specified pattern. `None` causes no filtering to happen, i.e. all unmanaged CPCs discovered by the HMC are returned. Returns: : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.UnmanagedCpc` objects. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ filter_args = dict() if name is not None: filter_args['name'] = name cpcs = self.unmanaged_cpcs.list(filter_args=filter_args) return cpcs