Source code for zhmcclient._port

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A :term:`Port` is a physical connector port (jack) of an :term:`Adapter`.

Port resources are contained in Adapter resources.

Ports only exist in :term:`CPCs <CPC>` that are in DPM mode.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy

from ._manager import BaseManager
from ._resource import BaseResource
from ._logging import logged_api_call

__all__ = ['PortManager', 'Port']

[docs]class PortManager(BaseManager): """ Manager providing access to the :term:`Ports <Port>` of a particular :term:`Adapter`. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseManager`; see there for common methods and attributes. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are accessible as properties in higher level resources (in this case, the :class:`~zhmcclient.Adapter` object). """ def __init__(self, adapter, port_type): # This function should not go into the docs. # Parameters: # adapter (:class:`~zhmcclient.Adapter`): # Adapter defining the scope for this manager. # port_type (string): # Type of Ports managed by this manager: # * `network`: Ports of a network adapter # * `storage`: Ports of a storage adapter # * None: Adapter family without ports super(PortManager, self).__init__( resource_class=Port, session=adapter.manager.session, class_name='{}-port'.format(port_type) if port_type else '', parent=adapter, base_uri='', # TODO: Re-enable the following when unit/ has been # converted to using the zhmcclient mock support: # base_uri='{}/{}'.format(adapter.uri, adapter.port_uri_segment), oid_prop='element-id', uri_prop='element-uri', name_prop='name', query_props=[], list_has_name=False) self._port_type = port_type @property def adapter(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.Adapter`: :term:`Adapter` defining the scope for this manager. """ return self._parent @property def port_type(self): """ :term:`string`: Type of the Ports managed by this object: * ``'network'`` - Ports of a network adapter * ``'storage'`` - Ports of a storage adapter * ``None`` - Adapter family without ports """ return self._port_type
[docs] @logged_api_call def list(self, full_properties=False, filter_args=None): """ List the Ports of this Adapter. If the adapter does not have any ports, an empty list is returned. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this Adapter. Parameters: full_properties (bool): Controls whether the full set of resource properties should be retrieved, vs. only the short set as returned by the list operation. filter_args (dict): Filter arguments that narrow the list of returned resources to those that match the specified filter arguments. For details, see :ref:`Filtering`. `None` causes no filtering to happen, i.e. all resources are returned. Returns: : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Port` objects. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ uris_prop = self.adapter.port_uris_prop if not uris_prop: # Adapter does not have any ports return [] uris = self.adapter.get_property(uris_prop) assert uris is not None # TODO: Remove the following circumvention once fixed. # The following line circumvents a bug for FCP adapters that sometimes # causes duplicate URIs to show up in this property: uris = list(set(uris)) resource_obj_list = [] for uri in uris: resource_obj = self.resource_class( manager=self, uri=uri, name=None, properties=None) if self._matches_filters(resource_obj, filter_args): resource_obj_list.append(resource_obj) if full_properties: resource_obj.pull_full_properties() self._name_uri_cache.update_from(resource_obj_list) return resource_obj_list
[docs]class Port(BaseResource): """ Representation of a :term:`Port`. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource`; see there for common methods and attributes. For the properties of a Port, see section 'Data model - Port Element Object' in section 'Adapter object' in the :term:`HMC API` book. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are returned from creation or list functions on their manager object (in this case, :class:`~zhmcclient.PortManager`). """ def __init__(self, manager, uri, name=None, properties=None): # This function should not go into the docs. # manager (:class:`~zhmcclient.PortManager`): # Manager object for this resource object. # uri (string): # Canonical URI path of the resource. # name (string): # Name of the resource. # properties (dict): # Properties to be set for this resource object. May be `None` or # empty. assert isinstance(manager, PortManager), \ "Port init: Expected manager type %s, got %s" % \ (PortManager, type(manager)) super(Port, self).__init__(manager, uri, name, properties)
[docs] @logged_api_call def update_properties(self, properties): """ Update writeable properties of this Port. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to the Adapter of this Port. * Task permission to the "Adapter Details" task. Parameters: properties (dict): New values for the properties to be updated. Properties not to be updated are omitted. Allowable properties are the properties with qualifier (w) in section 'Data model - Port Element Object' in the :term:`HMC API` book. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """, body=properties) # Attempts to change the 'name' property will be rejected by the HMC, # so we don't need to update the name-to-URI cache. assert self.manager._name_prop not in properties