Source code for zhmcclient._cpc

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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A :term:`CPC` (Central Processor Complex) is a physical IBM Z or LinuxONE

A particular HMC can manage multiple CPCs and can discover other CPCs that
are not managed by that HMC. Such other CPCs are called "unmanaged CPCs" and
they may or may not be managed by another HMC.

This section describes the interface for *managed* CPCs using resource class
:class:`~zhmcclient.Cpc` and the corresponding manager class

The HMC can manage a range of old and new CPC generations. Some older CPC
generations are not capable of supporting the HMC Web Services API; these older
CPCs can be managed using the GUI of the HMC, but not through its Web Services
API. Therefore, such older CPCs will not be exposed at the HMC Web Services
API, and thus will not show up in the API of this Python package.

TODO: List earliest CPC generation that supports the HMC Web Services API.

A CPC can be in any of the following three modes:

- DPM mode: Dynamic Partition Manager is enabled for the CPC.
- Classic mode: The CPC does not have Dynamic Partition Manager enabled,
  and is not member of an ensemble.
- Ensemble mode: The CPC is member of an ensemble. This Python client
  does not support the functionality that is specific to ensemble mode.

The functionality supported at the HMC API and thus also for users of this
Python client, depends on the mode in which the CPC currently is. If a
particular functionality is available only in a specific mode, that is
indicated in the description of the functionality.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings
import copy

from ._manager import BaseManager
from ._resource import BaseResource
from ._lpar import LparManager
from ._partition import PartitionManager
from ._activation_profile import ActivationProfileManager
from ._adapter import AdapterManager
from ._virtual_switch import VirtualSwitchManager
from ._logging import get_logger, logged_api_call
from ._exceptions import ParseError

__all__ = ['CpcManager', 'Cpc']

LOG = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class CpcManager(BaseManager): """ Manager providing access to the managed :term:`CPCs <CPC>` exposed by the HMC this client is connected to. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseManager`; see there for common methods and attributes. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are accessible via the following instance variable of a :class:`~zhmcclient.Client` object: * :attr:`~zhmcclient.Client.cpcs` """ def __init__(self, client): # This function should not go into the docs. # Parameters: # client (:class:`~zhmcclient.Client`): # Client object for the HMC to be used. # Resource properties that are supported as filter query parameters # (for server-side filtering). query_props = [ 'name', ] super(CpcManager, self).__init__( resource_class=Cpc, class_name='cpc', session=client.session, parent=None, base_uri='/api/cpcs', oid_prop='object-id', uri_prop='object-uri', name_prop='name', query_props=query_props)
[docs] @logged_api_call def list(self, full_properties=False, filter_args=None): """ List the CPCs managed by the HMC this client is connected to. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to any CPC to be included in the result. Parameters: full_properties (bool): Controls whether the full set of resource properties should be retrieved, vs. only the short set as returned by the list operation. filter_args (dict): Filter arguments that narrow the list of returned resources to those that match the specified filter arguments. For details, see :ref:`Filtering`. `None` causes no filtering to happen, i.e. all resources are returned. Returns: : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Cpc` objects. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ resource_obj_list = [] resource_obj = self._try_optimized_lookup(filter_args) if resource_obj: resource_obj_list.append(resource_obj) # It already has full properties else: query_parms, client_filters = self._divide_filter_args(filter_args) resources_name = 'cpcs' uri = '/api/{}{}'.format(resources_name, query_parms) result = self.session.get(uri) if result: props_list = result[resources_name] for props in props_list: resource_obj = self.resource_class( manager=self, uri=props[self._uri_prop], name=props.get(self._name_prop, None), properties=props) if self._matches_filters(resource_obj, client_filters): resource_obj_list.append(resource_obj) if full_properties: resource_obj.pull_full_properties() self._name_uri_cache.update_from(resource_obj_list) return resource_obj_list
[docs]class Cpc(BaseResource): """ Representation of a managed :term:`CPC`. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource`; see there for common methods and attributes. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are returned from creation or list functions on their manager object (in this case, :class:`~zhmcclient.CpcManager`). """ def __init__(self, manager, uri, name=None, properties=None): # This function should not go into the docs. # manager (:class:`~zhmcclient.CpcManager`): # Manager object for this resource object. # uri (string): # Canonical URI path of the resource. # name (string): # Name of the resource. # properties (dict): # Properties to be set for this resource object. May be `None` or # empty. assert isinstance(manager, CpcManager), \ "Cpc init: Expected manager type %s, got %s" % \ (CpcManager, type(manager)) super(Cpc, self).__init__(manager, uri, name, properties) # The manager objects for child resources (with lazy initialization): self._lpars = None self._partitions = None self._adapters = None self._virtual_switches = None self._reset_activation_profiles = None self._image_activation_profiles = None self._load_activation_profiles = None @property def lpars(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.LparManager`: Access to the :term:`LPARs <LPAR>` in this CPC. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._lpars: self._lpars = LparManager(self) return self._lpars @property def partitions(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.PartitionManager`: Access to the :term:`Partitions <Partition>` in this CPC. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._partitions: self._partitions = PartitionManager(self) return self._partitions @property def adapters(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.AdapterManager`: Access to the :term:`Adapters <Adapter>` in this CPC. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._adapters: self._adapters = AdapterManager(self) return self._adapters @property def virtual_switches(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.VirtualSwitchManager`: Access to the :term:`Virtual Switches <Virtual Switch>` in this CPC. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._virtual_switches: self._virtual_switches = VirtualSwitchManager(self) return self._virtual_switches @property def vswitches(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.VirtualSwitchManager`: Access to the :term:`Virtual Switches <Virtual Switch>` in this CPC. **Deprecated:** This attribute is deprecated and using it will cause a :exc:`~py:exceptions.DeprecationWarning` to be issued. Use :attr:`~zhmcclient.Cpc.virtual_switches` instead. """ warnings.warn( "Use of the vswitches attribute on zhmcclient.Cpc objects is " "deprecated; use the virtual_switches attribute instead", DeprecationWarning) return self.virtual_switches @property def reset_activation_profiles(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.ActivationProfileManager`: Access to the :term:`Reset Activation Profiles <Reset Activation Profile>` in this CPC. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._reset_activation_profiles: self._reset_activation_profiles = \ ActivationProfileManager(self, profile_type='reset') return self._reset_activation_profiles @property def image_activation_profiles(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.ActivationProfileManager`: Access to the :term:`Image Activation Profiles <Image Activation Profile>` in this CPC. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._image_activation_profiles: self._image_activation_profiles = \ ActivationProfileManager(self, profile_type='image') return self._image_activation_profiles @property def load_activation_profiles(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.ActivationProfileManager`: Access to the :term:`Load Activation Profiles <load Activation Profile>` in this CPC. """ # We do here some lazy loading. if not self._load_activation_profiles: self._load_activation_profiles = \ ActivationProfileManager(self, profile_type='load') return self._load_activation_profiles @property @logged_api_call def dpm_enabled(self): """ bool: Indicates whether this CPC is currently in DPM mode (Dynamic Partition Manager mode). If the CPC is not currently in DPM mode, or if the CPC does not support DPM mode (i.e. before z13), `False` is returned. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ return self.prop('dpm-enabled', False) _MAX_PARTITIONS_BY_MACHINE_TYPE = { '2817': 60, # z196 '2818': 30, # z114 '2827': 60, # zEC12 '2828': 30, # zBC12 '2964': 85, # z13 / Emperor '2965': 40, # z13s / Rockhopper '3906': 85, # z14 } @property @logged_api_call def maximum_active_partitions(self): """ Integer: The maximum number of active logical partitions or partitions of this CPC. The following table shows the maximum number of active logical partitions or partitions by machine generations supported at the HMC API: ================== ================== Machine generation Maximum partitions ================== ================== z196 60 z114 30 zEC12 60 zBC12 30 z13 / Emperor 85 z13s / Rockhopper 40 z14 85 ================== ================== Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`ValueError`: Unknown machine type """ machine_type = self.get_property('machine-type') try: max_parts = self._MAX_PARTITIONS_BY_MACHINE_TYPE[machine_type] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown machine type: {!r}".format(machine_type)) return max_parts
[docs] @logged_api_call def update_properties(self, properties): """ Update writeable properties of this CPC. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Task permission for the "CPC Details" task. Parameters: properties (dict): New values for the properties to be updated. Properties not to be updated are omitted. Allowable properties are the properties with qualifier (w) in section 'Data model' in section 'CPC' in the :term:`HMC API` book. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """, body=properties) # Attempts to change the 'name' property will be rejected by the HMC, # so we don't need to update the name-to-URI cache. assert self.manager._name_prop not in properties
[docs] @logged_api_call def start(self, wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None): """ Start this CPC, using the HMC operation "Start CPC". Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Task permission for the "Start (start a single DPM system)" task. Parameters: wait_for_completion (bool): Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion of the requested asynchronous HMC operation, as follows: * If `True`, this method will wait for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has accepted the request to perform the operation. operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, for waiting for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_completion=True`, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Returns: `None` or :class:`~zhmcclient.Job`: If `wait_for_completion` is `True`, returns `None`. If `wait_for_completion` is `False`, returns a :class:`~zhmcclient.Job` object representing the asynchronously executing job on the HMC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for completion of the operation. """ result = self.uri + '/operations/start', wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, operation_timeout=operation_timeout) return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def stop(self, wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None): """ Stop this CPC, using the HMC operation "Stop CPC". Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Task permission for the "Stop (stop a single DPM system)" task. Parameters: wait_for_completion (bool): Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion of the requested asynchronous HMC operation, as follows: * If `True`, this method will wait for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has accepted the request to perform the operation. operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, for waiting for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_completion=True`, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Returns: `None` or :class:`~zhmcclient.Job`: If `wait_for_completion` is `True`, returns `None`. If `wait_for_completion` is `False`, returns a :class:`~zhmcclient.Job` object representing the asynchronously executing job on the HMC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for completion of the operation. """ result = self.uri + '/operations/stop', wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, operation_timeout=operation_timeout) return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def import_profiles(self, profile_area, wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None): """ Import activation profiles and/or system activity profiles for this CPC from the SE hard drive into the CPC using the HMC operation "Import Profiles". This operation is not permitted when the CPC is in DPM mode. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Task permission for the "CIM Actions ExportSettingsData" task. Parameters: profile_area (int): The numbered hard drive area (1-4) from which the profiles are imported. wait_for_completion (bool): Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion of the requested asynchronous HMC operation, as follows: * If `True`, this method will wait for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has accepted the request to perform the operation. operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, for waiting for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_completion=True`, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Returns: `None` or :class:`~zhmcclient.Job`: If `wait_for_completion` is `True`, returns `None`. If `wait_for_completion` is `False`, returns a :class:`~zhmcclient.Job` object representing the asynchronously executing job on the HMC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for completion of the operation. """ body = {'profile-area': profile_area} result = self.uri + '/operations/import-profiles', body, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, operation_timeout=operation_timeout) return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def export_profiles(self, profile_area, wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None): """ Export activation profiles and/or system activity profiles from this CPC to the SE hard drive using the HMC operation "Export Profiles". This operation is not permitted when the CPC is in DPM mode. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Task permission for the "CIM Actions ExportSettingsData" task. Parameters: profile_area (int): The numbered hard drive area (1-4) to which the profiles are exported. Any existing data is overwritten. wait_for_completion (bool): Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion of the requested asynchronous HMC operation, as follows: * If `True`, this method will wait for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has accepted the request to perform the operation. operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, for waiting for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_completion=True`, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Returns: `None` or :class:`~zhmcclient.Job`: If `wait_for_completion` is `True`, returns `None`. If `wait_for_completion` is `False`, returns a :class:`~zhmcclient.Job` object representing the asynchronously executing job on the HMC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for completion of the operation. """ body = {'profile-area': profile_area} result = self.uri + '/operations/export-profiles', body, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, operation_timeout=operation_timeout) return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def get_wwpns(self, partitions): """ Return the WWPNs of the host ports (of the :term:`HBAs <HBA>`) of the specified :term:`Partitions <Partition>` of this CPC. This method performs the HMC operation "Export WWPN List". Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Object-access permission to the Partitions designated by the "partitions" parameter. * Task permission for the "Export WWPNs" task. Parameters: partitions (:term:`iterable` of :class:`~zhmcclient.Partition`): :term:`Partitions <Partition>` to be used. Returns: A list of items for each WWPN, where each item is a dict with the following keys: * 'partition-name' (string): Name of the :term:`Partition`. * 'adapter-id' (string): ID of the :term:`FCP Adapter`. * 'device-number' (string): Virtual device number of the :term:`HBA`. * 'wwpn' (string): WWPN of the HBA. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError`: See the HTTP status and reason codes of operation "Export WWPN List" in the :term:`HMC API` book. :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ body = {'partitions': [p.uri for p in partitions]} result = + '/operations/' 'export-port-names-list', body=body) # Parse the returned comma-separated string for each WWPN into a dict: wwpn_list = [] dict_keys = ('partition-name', 'adapter-id', 'device-number', 'wwpn') for wwpn_item in result['wwpn-list']: dict_values = wwpn_item.split(',') wwpn_list.append(dict(zip(dict_keys, dict_values))) return wwpn_list
[docs] @logged_api_call def get_free_crypto_domains(self, crypto_adapters=None): """ Return a list of crypto domains that are free for usage on a list of crypto adapters in this CPC. A crypto domain is considered free for usage if it is not assigned to any defined partition of this CPC in access mode 'control-usage' on any of the specified crypto adapters. For this test, all currently defined partitions of this CPC are checked, regardless of whether or not they are active. This ensures that a crypto domain that is found to be free for usage can be assigned to a partition for 'control-usage' access to the specified crypto adapters, without causing a crypto domain conflict when activating that partition. Note that a similar notion of free domains does not exist for access mode 'control', because a crypto domain on a crypto adapter can be in control access by multiple active partitions. This method requires the CPC to be in DPM mode. **Example:** .. code-block:: text crypto domains adapters 0 1 2 3 +---+---+---+---+ c1 |A,c|a,c| | C | +---+---+---+---+ c2 |b,c|B,c| B | C | +---+---+---+---+ In this example, the CPC has two crypto adapters c1 and c2. For simplicity of the example, we assume these crypto adapters support only 4 crypto domains. Partition A uses only adapter c1 and has domain 0 in 'control-usage' access (indicated by an upper case letter 'A' in the corresponding cell) and has domain 1 in 'control' access (indicated by a lower case letter 'a' in the corresponding cell). Partition B uses only adapter c2 and has domain 0 in 'control' access and domains 1 and 2 in 'control-usage' access. Partition C uses both adapters, and has domains 0 and 1 in 'control' access and domain 3 in 'control-usage' access. The domains free for usage in this example are shown in the following table, for each combination of crypto adapters to be investigated: =============== ====================== crypto_adapters domains free for usage =============== ====================== c1 1, 2 c2 0 c1, c2 (empty list) =============== ====================== **Experimental:** This method has been added in v0.14.0 and is currently considered experimental. Its interface may change incompatibly. Once the interface remains stable, this experimental marker will be removed. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Object-access permission to all of its Partitions. * Object-access permission to all of its crypto Adapters. Parameters: crypto_adapters (:term:`iterable` of :class:`~zhmcclient.Adapter`): The crypto :term:`Adapters <Adapter>` to be investigated. `None` means to investigate all crypto adapters of this CPC. Returns: A sorted list of domain index numbers (integers) of the crypto domains that are free for usage on the specified crypto adapters. Returns `None`, if ``crypto_adapters`` was an empty list or if ``crypto_adapters`` was `None` and the CPC has no crypto adapters. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ if crypto_adapters is None: crypto_adapters = self.adapters.findall(type='crypto') if not crypto_adapters: # No crypto adapters were specified or defaulted. return None # We determine the maximum number of crypto domains independently # of the partitions, because (1) it is possible that no partition # has a crypto configuration and (2) further down we want the inner # loop to be on the crypto adapters because accessing them multiple # times does not drive additional HMC operations. max_domains = None # maximum number of domains across all adapters for ca in crypto_adapters: if max_domains is None: max_domains = ca.maximum_crypto_domains else: max_domains = min(ca.maximum_crypto_domains, max_domains) used_domains = set() # Crypto domains used in control-usage mode partitions = self.partitions.list(full_properties=True) for partition in partitions: crypto_config = partition.get_property('crypto-configuration') if crypto_config: adapter_uris = crypto_config['crypto-adapter-uris'] domain_configs = crypto_config['crypto-domain-configurations'] for ca in crypto_adapters: if ca.uri in adapter_uris: used_adapter_domains = list() for dc in domain_configs: if dc['access-mode'] == 'control-usage': used_adapter_domains.append(dc['domain-index']) used_domains.update(used_adapter_domains) all_domains = set(range(0, max_domains)) free_domains = all_domains - used_domains return sorted(list(free_domains))
[docs] @logged_api_call def set_power_save(self, power_saving, wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None): """ Set the power save setting of this CPC. The current power save setting in effect for a CPC is described in the "cpc-power-saving" property of the CPC. This method performs the HMC operation "Set CPC Power Save". It requires that the feature "Automate/advanced management suite" (FC 0020) is installed and enabled, and fails otherwise. This method will also fail if the CPC is under group control. Whether a CPC currently allows this method is described in the "cpc-power-save-allowed" property of the CPC. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Task permission for the "Power Save" task. Parameters: power_saving (:term:`string`): The new power save setting, with the possible values: * "high-performance" - The power consumption and performance of the CPC are not reduced. This is the default setting. * "low-power" - Low power consumption for all components of the CPC enabled for power saving. * "custom" - Components may have their own settings changed individually. No component settings are actually changed when this mode is entered. wait_for_completion (bool): Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion of the requested asynchronous HMC operation, as follows: * If `True`, this method will wait for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has accepted the request to perform the operation. operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, for waiting for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_completion=True`, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Returns: `None` or :class:`~zhmcclient.Job`: If `wait_for_completion` is `True`, returns `None`. If `wait_for_completion` is `False`, returns a :class:`~zhmcclient.Job` object representing the asynchronously executing job on the HMC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError`: See the HTTP status and reason codes of operation "Set CPC Power Save" in the :term:`HMC API` book. :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for completion of the operation. """ body = {'power-saving': power_saving} result = self.uri + '/operations/set-cpc-power-save', body, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, operation_timeout=operation_timeout) if wait_for_completion: # The HMC API book does not document what the result data of the # completed job is. It turns out that the completed job has this # dictionary as its result data: # {'message': 'Operation executed successfully'} # We transform that to None. return None return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def set_power_capping(self, power_capping_state, power_cap=None, wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None): """ Set the power capping settings of this CPC. The power capping settings of a CPC define whether or not the power consumption of the CPC is limited and if so, what the limit is. Use this method to limit the peak power consumption of a CPC, or to remove a power consumption limit for a CPC. The current power capping settings in effect for a CPC are described in the "cpc-power-capping-state" and "cpc-power-cap-current" properties of the CPC. This method performs the HMC operation "Set CPC Power Capping". It requires that the feature "Automate/advanced management suite" (FC 0020) is installed and enabled, and fails otherwise. This method will also fail if the CPC is under group control. Whether a CPC currently allows this method is described in the "cpc-power-cap-allowed" property of the CPC. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. * Task permission for the "Power Capping" task. Parameters: power_capping_state (:term:`string`): The power capping state to be set, with the possible values: * "disabled" - The power cap of the CPC is not set and the peak power consumption is not limited. This is the default setting. * "enabled" - The peak power consumption of the CPC is limited to the specified power cap value. * "custom" - Individually configure the components for power capping. No component settings are actually changed when this mode is entered. power_cap (:term:`integer`): The power cap value to be set, as a power consumption in Watt. This parameter is required not to be `None` if `power_capping_state="enabled"`. The specified value must be between the values of the CPC properties "cpc-power-cap-minimum" and "cpc-power-cap-maximum". wait_for_completion (bool): Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion of the requested asynchronous HMC operation, as follows: * If `True`, this method will wait for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has accepted the request to perform the operation. operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, for waiting for completion of the asynchronous job performing the operation. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_completion=True`, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Returns: `None` or :class:`~zhmcclient.Job`: If `wait_for_completion` is `True`, returns `None`. If `wait_for_completion` is `False`, returns a :class:`~zhmcclient.Job` object representing the asynchronously executing job on the HMC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError`: See the HTTP status and reason codes of operation "Set CPC Power Save" in the :term:`HMC API` book. :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for completion of the operation. """ body = {'power-capping-state': power_capping_state} if power_cap is not None: body['power-cap-current'] = power_cap result = self.uri + '/operations/set-cpc-power-capping', body, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, operation_timeout=operation_timeout) if wait_for_completion: # The HMC API book does not document what the result data of the # completed job is. Just in case there is similar behavior to the # "Set CPC Power Save" operation, we transform that to None. # TODO: Verify job result of a completed "Set CPC Power Capping". return None return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def get_energy_management_properties(self): """ Return the energy management properties of the CPC. The returned energy management properties are a subset of the properties of the CPC resource, and are also available as normal properties of the CPC resource. In so far, there is no new data provided by this method. However, because only a subset of the properties is returned, this method is faster than retrieving the complete set of CPC properties (e.g. via :meth:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource.pull_full_properties`). This method performs the HMC operation "Get CPC Energy Management Data", and returns only the energy management properties for this CPC from the operation result. Note that in non-ensemble mode of a CPC, the HMC operation result will only contain data for the CPC alone. It requires that the feature "Automate/advanced management suite" (FC 0020) is installed and enabled, and returns empty values for most properties, otherwise. Authorization requirements: * Object-access permission to this CPC. Returns: dict: A dictionary of properties of the CPC that are related to energy management. For details, see section "Energy management related additional properties" in the data model for the CPC resource in the :term:`HMC API` book. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError`: See the HTTP status and reason codes of operation "Get CPC Energy Management Data" in the :term:`HMC API` book. :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError`: Also raised by this method when the JSON response could be parsed but contains inconsistent data. :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ result = self.manager.session.get(self.uri + '/energy-management-data') em_list = result['objects'] if len(em_list) != 1: uris = [em_obj['object-uri'] for em_obj in em_list] raise ParseError("Energy management data returned for no resource " "or for more than one resource: %r" % uris) em_cpc_obj = em_list[0] if em_cpc_obj['object-uri'] != self.uri: raise ParseError("Energy management data returned for an " "unexpected resource: %r" % em_cpc_obj['object-uri']) if em_cpc_obj['error-occurred']: raise ParseError("Errors occurred when retrieving energy " "management data for CPC. Operation result: %r" % result) cpc_props = em_cpc_obj['properties'] return cpc_props