Source code for zhmcclient.testutils._hmc_definitions

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HMC definitions for zhmcclient end2end tests.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os

from ._hmc_inventory_file import HMCInventoryFile
from ._hmc_vault_file import HMCVaultFile
from ._hmc_definition import HMCDefinition

__all__ = ['print_hmc_definitions', 'hmc_definitions', 'HMCDefinitions',
           'HMCNoVaultError', 'HMCNotFound']

# Path name of user's home directory
HOME_DIR = os.path.expanduser("~")

# Default file names of HMC inventory and vault files in user's home directory.
# Keep in sync with Makefile.
DEFAULT_TESTINVENTORY_FN = '.zhmc_inventory.yaml'
DEFAULT_TESTVAULT_FN = '.zhmc_vault.yaml'


# Default group name or HMC nickname in HMC inventory file to test against.
# Keep in sync with Makefile.

[docs]def hmc_definitions(load=True): """ Return the list of HMC definitions to be used for testing. Parameters: load (bool): Load the HMC inventory and vault files. Otherwise, these files are not loaded. This is used to avoid a dependency on these files for normal zhmcclient users. If `None`, the 'TESTEND2END_LOAD' environment variable is used. Returns: list of :class:`zhmcclient.testutils.HMCDefinition` """ hmcdefs = HMCDefinitions(load=load) hd_list = hmcdefs.list_hmcs(hmcdefs.testhmc) return hd_list
def _default(vars_tuple, key, default): """ Return the key value from one of the dicts in vars_tuple, or the default. """ for vars_dict in vars_tuple: if vars_dict and key in vars_dict: return vars_dict[key] return default
[docs]class HMCNoVaultError(Exception): """ The :ref:`HMC vault file` does not have a corresponding entry for the HMC. """ pass
[docs]class HMCNotFound(Exception): """ The HMC group was not found in the :ref:`HMC inventory file`. """ pass
[docs]class HMCDefinitions(object): """ The HMC definitions in the :ref:`HMC inventory file` and their credentials in the :ref:`HMC vault file`. """ def __init__(self, inventory_file=None, vault_file=None, testhmc=None, load=None): """ Parameters: inventory_file (string): Path name of HMC inventory file`. If `None`, the file specified in the 'TESTINVENTORY' environment variable or if not set, the default file ``~/.zhmc_inventory.yaml`` is used. vault_file (string): Path name of HMC vault file. If `None`, the file specified in the 'TESTVAULT' environment variable or if not set, the default file ``~/.zhmc_vault.yaml`` is used. testhmc (string): Group nickname or HMC nickname in HMC inventory file to test against. If `None`, the nickname specified in the 'TESTHMC' environment variable or if not set, the nickname "default" is used. load (bool): Load the HMC inventory and vault files. Otherwise, these files are not loaded. This is used to avoid a dependency on these files for normal zhmcclient users. If `None`, the 'TESTEND2END_LOAD' environment variable is used. Raises: zhmcclient.testutils.HMCInventoryFileError: zhmcclient.testutils.HMCVaultFileError: zhmcclient.testutils.HMCNoVaultError: """ # The Sphinx build imports this module and the use of this function # in the hmc_definition() fixture along with the wildcard imports in # the testutils/ module causes this function to be executed # upon module import. Since there are no HMC inventory and vault files # when GitHub Actions or ReadTheDocs builds the documentation, the # boolean 'TESTEND2END_LOAD' env.var is used to enable the loading of # the files in these cases. This env.var needs to be set to 'true' in # the Makefile for end2end targets. if load is None: load = bool(os.getenv('TESTEND2END_LOAD')) if not load: self._inventory_file = None self._vault_file = None self._testhmc = None self._inventory = None self._vault = None self._hd_dict = {} else: self._inventory_file = inventory_file or os.getenv( 'TESTINVENTORY', DEFAULT_TESTINVENTORY_FILE) self._vault_file = vault_file or os.getenv( 'TESTVAULT', DEFAULT_TESTVAULT_FILE) self._testhmc = testhmc or os.getenv( 'TESTHMC', DEFAULT_TESTHMC) self._inventory = HMCInventoryFile(self._inventory_file) self._vault = HMCVaultFile(self._vault_file) # All HMC definitions, represented as a flat set of groups # with their hosts. All variables are stored in the hosts. # The list methods create and return HMCDefinition objects # from this representation. # Dictionary structure: # key: group name, value: dict of HMC definitions with: # key: HMC nickname, value: dict of HMCDefinition attrs with: # key: attr name, value: attr value self._hd_dict = {} # Update self._hd_dict from groups, starting with top-level groups self._init_groups(, {}) # Update self._hd_dict with propagated host properties self._propagate_groups( # Update self._hd_dict from HMC vault file self._add_vault_data(self._vault, self._inventory.filepath) def _init_groups(self, groups, inherited_vars): """ Process groups from an HMC inventory filer. Parameters: groups (dict): The groups, as a data structure from the HMC inventory file. Key: group name, Value: dict with hosts/vars/children. At the top level, groups is a dict with a single item 'all'. Below that, groups is a dict with the items from the 'children' item. inherited_vars (dict): Additional variables inherited from parents. """ for group_name, group_dict in groups.items(): if not group_dict: continue group_vars = dict(inherited_vars) group_vars.update(group_dict.get('vars') or {}) self._init_group(group_name, group_dict, group_vars) child_groups = group_dict.get('children') or {} self._init_groups(child_groups, group_vars) def _init_group(self, group_name, group_dict, inherited_vars): """ Process a single group from an HMC inventory file. Parameters: group_name (string): Name of the group. group_dict (dict): The group, as a dict with hosts/vars/children. inherited_vars (dict): Additional variables inherited from parents. """ _host_dict = {} hosts = group_dict.get('hosts') or {} for nickname, host_vars in hosts.items(): combined_vars = dict(inherited_vars) if host_vars: combined_vars.update(host_vars) description = combined_vars.pop('description', '') contact = combined_vars.pop('contact', '') access_via = combined_vars.pop('access_via', '') mock_file = combined_vars.pop('mock_file', None) ansible_host = combined_vars.pop('ansible_host', None) cpcs = combined_vars.pop('cpcs', None) add_vars = combined_vars _host_dict[nickname] = dict( description=description, contact=contact, access_via=access_via, mock_file=mock_file, ansible_host=ansible_host, cpcs=cpcs, add_vars=add_vars) self._hd_dict[group_name] = _host_dict def _propagate_groups(self, groups, parent_hosts=None): """ Propagate host properties of groups to their child groups. Parameters: groups (dict): The groups, as a data structure from the HMC inventory file. Key: group name, Value: dict with hosts/vars/children. At the top level, groups is a dict with a single item 'all'. Below that, groups is a dict with the items from the 'children' item. parent_hosts (dict): The parent hosts of the groups, as a data structure from the HMC inventory file, or None for top level. Key: host nickname, Value: dict with host attributes. """ for group_name, group_dict in groups.items(): if not group_dict: continue self._propagate_group(group_name, group_dict, parent_hosts) child_groups = group_dict.get('children') or {} hosts = group_dict.get('hosts') or {} self._propagate_groups(child_groups, hosts) def _propagate_group(self, group_name, group_dict, parent_hosts): """ Propagate host properties of a group to its hosts. Parameters: group_name (string): Name of the group. group_dict (dict): The group, as a dict with hosts/vars/children. parent_hosts (dict): The parent hosts of the group, as a data structure from the HMC inventory file, or None for top level. Key: host nickname, Value: dict with host attributes. """ if parent_hosts is None: parent_hosts = {} hosts = group_dict.get('hosts') or {} for nickname, host_vars in hosts.items(): try: parent_vars = parent_hosts[nickname] except KeyError: parent_vars = {} if host_vars is not None: host_vars_new = dict(host_vars) else: host_vars_new = {} if 'description' in parent_vars: host_vars_new.setdefault( 'description', parent_vars['description']) if 'contact' in parent_vars: host_vars_new.setdefault( 'contact', parent_vars['contact']) if 'access_via' in parent_vars: host_vars_new.setdefault( 'access_via', parent_vars['access_via']) if 'ansible_host' in parent_vars: host_vars_new.setdefault( 'ansible_host', parent_vars['ansible_host']) if 'mock_file' in parent_vars: host_vars_new.setdefault( 'mock_file', parent_vars['mock_file']) if 'cpcs' in parent_vars: host_vars_new.setdefault( 'cpcs', parent_vars['cpcs']) if 'add_vars' in parent_vars: host_vars_new.setdefault( 'add_vars', parent_vars['add_vars']) # The vault file variables are not in parent_vars and cannot # be propagated (they are defined once in the vault file). self._hd_dict[group_name][nickname].update(host_vars_new) def _add_vault_data(self, hmc_vault, inv_file): """ Add data from HMC vault file to each host of all groups. Parameters: hmc_vault (HMCVault): Content of HMC vault file. inv_file (string): Path name of HMV inventory file (for messages). Raises: HMCNoVaultError: No cprresponding entry in HMC vault file. """ auth =['hmc_auth'] or {} for group_dict in self._hd_dict.values(): for nickname, host_vars in group_dict.items(): try: auth_vars = auth[nickname] except KeyError: new_exc = HMCNoVaultError( "HMC {n!r} defined in HMC inventory file {i} has " "no corresponding entry in HMC vault file {v}". format(n=nickname, i=inv_file, v=hmc_vault.filepath)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # HMCNoVaultError # userid and password are required by the JSON schema host_vars['userid'] = auth_vars['userid'] host_vars['password'] = auth_vars['password'] host_vars['verify'] = auth_vars.get('verify', True) host_vars['ca_certs'] = auth_vars.get('ca_certs', None)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "HMCDefinitions(" \ "inventory_file={s.inventory_file!r}, " \ "vault_file={s.vault_file!r}, " \ "testhmc={s.testhmc!r}, " \ "group_names={s.group_names!r})". \ format(s=self)
@property def inventory_file(self): """ string: Path name of HMC inventory file. """ return self._inventory_file @property def vault_file(self): """ string: Path name of HMC vault file. """ return self._vault_file @property def testhmc(self): """ string: HMC group or single HMC nickname to be tested. """ return self._testhmc @property def group_names(self): """ list of string: The names of the HMC groups in the HMC inventory file. """ return list(self._hd_dict.keys())
[docs] def list_hmcs(self, name=None): """ Return a list of :class:`HMCDefinition` objects in the HMC inventory file, for the specified HMC group or single HMC nickname. The path names in the :attr:`HMCDefinition.mock_file` property are absolute path names, whereby any relative path names in the HMC inventory file have been interpreted relative to the directory of the HMC inventory file. Parameters: name (string): Name of an HMC group or nickname of a single HMC in the HMC inventory file. If `None`, the default group or nickname defined in :attr:`HMCDefinitions.testhmc` is used. Returns: list of :class:`HMCDefinition`: The specified HMCs in the HMC inventory file. Raises: zhmcclient.testutils.HMCNotFound: HMC group or nickname not found. """ if not self._hd_dict: return [] if name is None: name = self._testhmc # Try to find a group with this name try: host_dict = self._hd_dict[name] except KeyError: # Try to find a single HMC with this nickname in group 'all' all_host_dict = self._hd_dict['all'] for nickname, host_vars in all_host_dict.items(): if nickname == name: host_dict = {name: host_vars} break else: new_exc = HMCNotFound( "HMC group or nickname {n!r} not found in HMC inventory " "file {i}".format(n=name, i=self._inventory_file)) new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc # HMCNotFound hd_list = [] for nickname, host_vars in host_dict.items(): description = host_vars.get('description', '') contact = host_vars.get('contact', '') access_via = host_vars.get('access_via', '') mock_file = host_vars.get('mock_file', None) userid = host_vars.get('userid', None) password = host_vars.get('password', None) verify = host_vars.get('verify', None) ca_certs = host_vars.get('ca_certs', None) cpcs = host_vars.get('cpcs', None) add_vars = host_vars.get('add_vars', None) if mock_file: # The host will be set from the 'host' attribute in the # mock file. Since that file is read only later, we set # the HMC definition's host to None, for now. host = None else: # If ansible_host was set, it is always used, and otherwise # the HMC nickname is used as a DNS name or IP address. ansible_host = host_vars.get('ansible_host') host = ansible_host or nickname # Make relative mock_file relative to inventory file if mock_file and not os.path.isabs(mock_file): mock_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self._inventory_file), mock_file) hd = HMCDefinition( nickname=nickname, description=description, contact=contact, access_via=access_via, mock_file=mock_file, host=host, userid=userid, password=password, verify=verify, ca_certs=ca_certs, cpcs=cpcs, add_vars=add_vars) hd_list.append(hd) return hd_list
[docs] def list_all_hmcs(self): """ List all HMCs in the HMC inventory file. Returns: list of :class:`HMCDefinition`: All HMCs in the HMC inventory file. """ return self.list_hmcs('all')
[docs] def list_all_group_names(self): """ List all group names in the HMC inventory file. Returns: list of string: All group names in the HMC inventory file. """ return list(self._hd_dict.keys())