Source code for zhmcclient.testutils._cpc_fixtures

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Pytest fixtures for CPCs.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings
import pytest
import zhmcclient

# pylint: disable=unused-import
from ._hmc_definition_fixtures import hmc_session  # noqa: F401

__all__ = ['all_cpcs', 'dpm_mode_cpcs', 'classic_mode_cpcs']

def fixtureid_cpcs(fixture_value):
    Return a fixture ID to be used by pytest, for fixtures returning a list of


      * fixture_value (list of zhmcclient.Cpc): The list of CPCs.
    if not isinstance(fixture_value, list):
        return None  # Use pytest auto-generated ID
    cpc_list = fixture_value
    cpcs_str = ','.join([ for cpc in cpc_list])
    return "CPCs={}".format(cpcs_str)

[docs]@pytest.fixture( scope='module', ids=fixtureid_cpcs ) def all_cpcs(request, hmc_session): # noqa: F811 # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,unused-argument """ Pytest fixture representing the set of all CPCs to test against, regardless of their operational mode. The CPCs to test against are defined in the ``cpcs`` variable for the HMC entry in the :ref:`HMC inventory file`. A test function parameter using this fixture resolves to a list of :class:`zhmcclient.Cpc` objects representing that set of CPCs. These objects have the "short" set of properties from :meth:`zhmcclient.Cpc.list`. Because the `hmc_session` parameter of this fixture is again a fixture, the :func:`zhmcclient.testutils.hmc_session` function needs to be imported as well when this fixture is used. """ return defined_cpcs(hmc_session, 'any')
[docs]@pytest.fixture( scope='module', ids=fixtureid_cpcs ) def dpm_mode_cpcs(request, hmc_session): # noqa: F811 # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,unused-argument """ Pytest fixture representing the set of CPCs in DPM mode to test against. The CPCs to test against are defined in the ``cpcs`` variable in the HMC entry in the :ref:`HMC inventory file` and have their ``dpm_enabled`` property set to ``true``. A test function parameter using this fixture resolves to a list of :class:`zhmcclient.Cpc` objects representing that set of CPCs. These objects have the "short" set of properties from :meth:`zhmcclient.Cpc.list`. Because the `hmc_session` parameter of this fixture is again a fixture, the :func:`zhmcclient.testutils.hmc_session` function needs to be imported as well when this fixture is used. """ return defined_cpcs(hmc_session, 'dpm')
[docs]@pytest.fixture( scope='module', ids=fixtureid_cpcs ) def classic_mode_cpcs(request, hmc_session): # noqa: F811 # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,unused-argument """ Pytest fixture representing the set of CPCs in classic mode to test against. The CPCs to test against are defined in the ``cpcs`` variable in the HMC entry in the :ref:`HMC inventory file` and have their ``dpm_enabled`` property set to ``false``. A test function parameter using this fixture resolves to a list of :class:`zhmcclient.Cpc` objects representing that set of CPCs. These objects have the "short" set of properties from :meth:`zhmcclient.Cpc.list`. Because the `hmc_session` parameter of this fixture is again a fixture, the :func:`zhmcclient.testutils.hmc_session` function needs to be imported as well when this fixture is used. """ return defined_cpcs(hmc_session, 'classic')
def defined_cpcs(session, mode): """ Return a list of CPCs defined in the HMC definition file, that are actually managed by the HMC, and that actually have the desired operational mode. Parameters: session (:class:`zhmcclient.Session`): The session with the HMC. mode (string): The desired mode of the CPC ('dpm', 'classic', 'any'). Returns: list of :class:`zhmcclient.Cpc`: The CPCs in the desired mode. """ client = zhmcclient.Client(session) actual_cpcs = client.cpcs.list() actual_cpc_names = [ for cpc in actual_cpcs] hd = session.hmc_definition result_cpcs = [] for cpc_name in hd.cpcs: cpcs = [cpc for cpc in actual_cpcs if == cpc_name] if not cpcs: msg_txt = ( "CPC {c} defined for HMC {n} at {h} in HMC definition file is " "not managed by that HMC. Actually managed CPCs: {cl}". format(c=cpc_name, n=hd.nickname,, cl=', '.join(actual_cpc_names))) warnings.warn(msg_txt, UserWarning) pytest.skip(msg_txt) cpc = cpcs[0] if mode == 'dpm' and not cpc.dpm_enabled: continue if mode == 'classic' and cpc.dpm_enabled: continue result_cpcs.append(cpc) return result_cpcs