Source code for zhmcclient._client

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Client class: A client to an HMC.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import time
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
import yaml
import yamlloader

from ._cpc import CpcManager
from ._console import ConsoleManager
from ._metrics import MetricsContextManager, MetricsResponse, CLASS_FROM_GROUP
from ._logging import logged_api_call
from ._exceptions import Error, OperationTimeout

__all__ = ['Client']

[docs]class Client(object): """ A client to an HMC. This is the main class for users of this package. """ def __init__(self, session): """ Parameters: session (:class:`~zhmcclient.Session`): Session with the HMC. """ self._session = session self._cpcs = CpcManager(self) self._consoles = ConsoleManager(self) self._metrics_contexts = MetricsContextManager(self) self._api_version = None @property def session(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.Session`: Session with the HMC. """ return self._session @property def cpcs(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.CpcManager`: Manager object for the CPCs in scope of this client. This includes managed and unmanaged CPCs. """ return self._cpcs @property def consoles(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.ConsoleManager`: Manager object for the (one) Console representing the HMC this client is connected to. """ return self._consoles @property def metrics_contexts(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContextManager`: Manager object for the :term:`Metrics Contexts <Metrics Context>` in scope of this client (i.e. in scope of its HMC). """ return self._metrics_contexts
[docs] @logged_api_call def version_info(self): """ Returns API version information for the HMC. This operation does not require authentication. Returns: :term:`HMC API version`: The HMC API version supported by the HMC. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ if self._api_version is None: self.query_api_version() return self._api_version['api-major-version'],\ self._api_version['api-minor-version']
[docs] @logged_api_call def query_api_version(self): """ The Query API Version operation returns information about the level of Web Services API supported by the HMC. This operation does not require authentication. Returns: :term:`json object`: A JSON object with members ``api-major-version``, ``api-minor-version``, ``hmc-version`` and ``hmc-name``. For details about these properties, see section 'Response body contents' in section 'Query API Version' in the :term:`HMC API` book. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ version_resp = self._session.get('/api/version', logon_required=False) self._api_version = version_resp return self._api_version
[docs] @logged_api_call def get_inventory(self, resources): """ Returns a JSON object with the requested resources and their properties, that are managed by the HMC. This method performs the 'Get Inventory' HMC operation. If resources cannot be fully inventoried, the returned list contains items describing the errors. They can be identified by their 'class' property having a value of 'inventory-error'. Note that the presence of such error items does not cause any exceptions to be raised. Parameters: resources (:term:`iterable` of :term:`string`): Resource classes and/or resource classifiers specifying the types of resources that should be included in the result. For valid values, see the 'Get Inventory' operation in the :term:`HMC API` book. Element resources of the specified resource types are automatically included as children (for example, requesting 'partition' includes all of its 'hba', 'nic' and 'virtual-function' element resources). Must not be `None`. Returns: list of dict: The list of resources for the requested resource classes and resource classifiers. Each list item is a dictionary with the resource properties using the HMC property names. Example: resource_classes = ['partition', 'adapter'] resource_list = client.get_inventory(resource_classes) Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ uri = '/api/services/inventory' body = {'resources': resources} result =, body=body) return result
[docs] @logged_api_call def wait_for_available(self, operation_timeout=None): """ Wait for the Console (HMC) this client is connected to, to become available. The Console is considered available if the :meth:`~zhmcclient.Client.query_api_version` method succeeds. If the Console does not become available within the operation timeout, an :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` exception is raised. Parameters: operation_timeout (:term:`number`): Timeout in seconds, when waiting for the Console to become available. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the timeout expires, a :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while waiting for the Console to become available. """ if operation_timeout is None: operation_timeout = \ self.session.retry_timeout_config.operation_timeout if operation_timeout > 0: start_time = time.time() while True: try: self.query_api_version() except Error: pass else: break if operation_timeout > 0: current_time = time.time() # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable if current_time > start_time + operation_timeout: raise OperationTimeout( "Waiting for Console at {} to become available timed " "out (operation timeout: {} s)". format(, operation_timeout), operation_timeout) time.sleep(10) # Avoid hot spin loop
[docs] def to_hmc_yaml(self): """ Inspect the HMC of this client and return the HMC and its resources as an HMC definition YAML string. This method can be used on clients for sessions to real HMCs and faked sessions. The returned YAML string can be used to instantiate a faked session using :meth:`zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession.from_hmc_yaml`. The returned HMC definition YAML string has the following format:: hmc_definition: # Internal state: host: hmc1 api_version: '2.20' metric_group_definitions: [...] metric_values: [...] # Child resources: metrics_contexts: - properties: {...} consoles: - properties: {...} storage_groups: - properties: {...} ... cpcs: - properties: {...} partitions: - properties: {...} ... Returns: string: HMC definition YAML string. """ hmc_dict = self.to_hmc_dict() hmc_yaml = yaml.dump( hmc_dict, encoding=None, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False, indent=2, Dumper=yamlloader.ordereddict.CSafeDumper) return hmc_yaml
[docs] def to_hmc_dict(self): """ Inspect the HMC of this client and return the HMC and its resources as an HMC definition dictionary. This method can be used on clients for sessions to real HMCs and faked sessions. The returned dictionary has only items of type dict, list, string, int, float, bool or None. That makes it convertible to simple formats such as JSON or YAML, so it can be externalized (e.g. persisted). The returned dictionary can be used to instantiate a faked session using :meth:`zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession.from_hmc_dict`. The returned HMC definition dictionary has the following format:: { "hmc_definition": { # Internal state: "host": "hmc1", "api_version": "2.20", "metric_group_definitions": [...], "metric_values": [...], # Child resources: "metrics_contexts": [...], "consoles": [...], "cpcs": [...], } } Returns: dict: HMC definition dictionary. """ resource_dict = self.dump() hmc_dict = { 'hmc_definition': resource_dict } return hmc_dict
[docs] def dump(self): """ Dump this Client with its properties and child resources (recursively) as a resource definition. The returned resource definition has the following format:: { # Internal state: "host": "hmc1", "api_version": "2.20", "metric_values": [...], # Child resources: "metrics_contexts": [...], "consoles": [...], "cpcs": [...], } Returns: dict: Resource definition of this Client. """ resource_dict = OrderedDict() # Dump internal state av = self.query_api_version() api_version_str = "{}.{}". \ format(av['api-major-version'], av['api-minor-version']) resource_dict['host'] = resource_dict['api_version'] = api_version_str # Get the current metric values for all metric groups and dump them mc = self.metrics_contexts.create({ 'anticipated-frequency-seconds': 15, 'metric-groups': list(CLASS_FROM_GROUP.keys()), }) mr_str = mc.get_metrics() mr = MetricsResponse(mc, mr_str) mc.delete() resource_dict['metric_values'] = [] for mg in mr.metric_group_values: for mv in mg.object_values: mv_dict = mv.dump() if mv_dict: resource_dict['metric_values'].append(mv_dict) # Dump child resources metrics_contexts = self.metrics_contexts.dump() if metrics_contexts: resource_dict['metrics_contexts'] = metrics_contexts consoles = self.consoles.dump() if consoles: resource_dict['consoles'] = consoles cpcs = self.cpcs.dump() if cpcs: resource_dict['cpcs'] = cpcs return resource_dict