7. Mock support

The zhmcclient PyPI package provides unit testing support for its users via its zhmcclient_mock Python package. That package allows users of zhmcclient to easily define a faked HMC that is populated with resources as needed by the test case.

The faked HMC environment is set up by creating an instance of the zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession class instead of the zhmcclient.Session class:

import zhmcclient
import zhmcclient_mock

session = zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession('fake-host', 'fake-hmc', '2.13.1',
client = zhmcclient.Client(session)
cpcs = client.cpcs.list()
. . .

Other than using a different session class, the code operates against the same zhmcclient API as before. For example, you can see in the example above that the client object is set up from the same zhmcclient.Client class as before, and that the CPCs can be listed through the API of the client object as before.

The difference is that the faked session object contains a faked HMC and does not communicate at all with an actual HMC.

The faked HMC of the faked session object can be accessed via the hmc attribute of the faked session object in order to populate it with resources, for example to build up an initial resource environment for a test case.

The following example of a unit test case shows how an initial set of resources that is defined as a dictionary and loaded into the faked HMC using the add_resources() method:

import unittest
import zhmcclient
import zhmcclient_mock

class MyTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        self.session = zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession(
            'fake-host', 'fake-hmc', '2.13.1', '1.8')
            'cpcs': [
                    'properties': {
                        'name': 'cpc_1',
                        'description': 'CPC #1',
                    'adapters': [
                            'properties': {
                                'name': 'osa_1',
                                'description': 'OSA #1',
                                'adapter-family': 'osa',
                            'ports': [
                                    'properties': {
                                        'name': 'osa_1_1',
                                        'description': 'OSA #1 Port #1',
        self.client = zhmcclient.Client(self.session)

    def test_list(self):
        cpcs = self.client.cpcs.list()
        self.assertEqual(len(cpcs), 1)
        self.assertEqual(cpcs[0].name, 'cpc_1')

In this example, the test_list() method tests the CPC list method of the zhmcclient package, but the same approach is used for testing code that uses the zhmcclient package.

As an alternative to bulk-loading resources via the input dictionary, it is also possible to add resources one by one using the add() methods of the faked resource manager classes, as shown in the following example:

class MyTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        self.session = zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession(
            'fake-host', 'fake-hmc', '2.13.1', '1.8')

        cpc1 = self.session.hmc.cpcs.add({
            'name': 'cpc_1',
            'description': 'CPC #1',
        adapter1 = cpc1.adapters.add({
            'name': 'osa_1',
            'description': 'OSA #1',
            'adapter-family': 'osa',
        port1 = adapter1.ports.add({
            'name': 'osa_1_1',
            'description': 'OSA #1 Port #1',

        self.client = zhmcclient.Client(self.session)

As you can see, the resources need to be added from top to bottom in the resource tree, starting at the hmc attribute of the faked session object.

Section Faked HMC describes all faked resource and manager classes that you can use to add resources that way.

Section Faked session describes the faked session class.

7.1. Faked session

A faked Session class for the zhmcclient package.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession(host, hmc_name, hmc_version, api_version)[source]

A faked Session class for the zhmcclient package, that can be used as a replacement for the zhmcclient.Session class.

This class is derived from zhmcclient.Session.

This class can be used by projects using the zhmcclient package for their unit testing. It can also be used by unit tests of the zhmcclient package itself.

This class provides a faked HMC with all of its resources that are relevant for the zhmcclient.

The faked HMC provided by this class maintains its resource state in memory as Python objects, and no communication happens to any real HMC. The faked HMC implements all HMC operations that are relevant for the zhmcclient package in a successful manner.

It is possible to populate the faked HMC with an initial resource state (see add_resources()).

  • host (string) – HMC host.

  • hmc_name (string) – HMC name. Used for result of Query Version Info operation.

  • hmc_version (string) – HMC version string (e.g. ‘2.13.1’). Used for result of Query Version Info operation.

  • api_version (string) – HMC API version string (e.g. ‘1.8’). Used for result of Query Version Info operation.


Return a string with the state of this faked session, for debug purposes.

property hmc

The faked HMC provided by this faked session.

The faked HMC supports being populated with initial resource state, for example using its zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc.add_resources() method.

As an alternative to providing an entire resource tree, the resources can also be added one by one, from top to bottom, using the zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager.add() methods of the respective managers (the top-level manager for CPCs can be accessed via hmc.cpcs).



get(uri, logon_required=True)[source]

Perform the HTTP GET method against the resource identified by a URI, on the faked HMC.

  • uri (string) – Relative URI path of the resource, e.g. “/api/session”. This URI is relative to the base URL of the session (see the base_url property). Must not be None.

  • logon_required (bool) –

    Boolean indicating whether the operation requires that the session is logged on to the HMC.

    Because this is a faked HMC, this does not perform a real logon, but it is still used to update the state in the faked HMC.


json object with the operation result.

post(uri, body=None, logon_required=True, wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None)[source]

Perform the HTTP POST method against the resource identified by a URI, using a provided request body, on the faked HMC.

HMC operations using HTTP POST are either synchronous or asynchronous. Asynchronous operations return the URI of an asynchronously executing job that can be queried for status and result.

Examples for synchronous operations:

  • With no response body: “Logon”, “Update CPC Properties”

  • With a response body: “Create Partition”

Examples for asynchronous operations:

  • With no job-results field in the completed job status response: “Start Partition”

  • With a job-results field in the completed job status response (under certain conditions): “Activate a Blade”, or “Set CPC Power Save”

The wait_for_completion parameter of this method can be used to deal with asynchronous HMC operations in a synchronous way.

  • uri (string) – Relative URI path of the resource, e.g. “/api/session”. This URI is relative to the base URL of the session (see the base_url property). Must not be None.

  • body (json object) – JSON object to be used as the HTTP request body (payload). None means the same as an empty dictionary, namely that no HTTP body is included in the request.

  • logon_required (bool) –

    Boolean indicating whether the operation requires that the session is logged on to the HMC. For example, the “Logon” operation does not require that.

    Because this is a faked HMC, this does not perform a real logon, but it is still used to update the state in the faked HMC.

  • wait_for_completion (bool) –

    Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion of the requested HMC operation, as follows:

    • If True, this method will wait for completion of the requested operation, regardless of whether the operation is synchronous or asynchronous.

      This will cause an additional entry in the time statistics to be created for the asynchronous operation and waiting for its completion. This entry will have a URI that is the targeted URI, appended with “+completion”.

    • If False, this method will immediately return the result of the HTTP POST method, regardless of whether the operation is synchronous or asynchronous.

  • operation_timeout (number) –

    Timeout in seconds, when waiting for completion of an asynchronous operation. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. None means that the default async operation timeout of the session is used.

    For wait_for_completion=True, a OperationTimeout is raised when the timeout expires.

    For wait_for_completion=False, this parameter has no effect.


If wait_for_completion is True, returns a JSON object representing the response body of the synchronous operation, or the response body of the completed job that performed the asynchronous operation. If a synchronous operation has no response body, None is returned.

If wait_for_completion is False, returns a JSON object representing the response body of the synchronous or asynchronous operation. In case of an asynchronous operation, the JSON object will have a member named job-uri, whose value can be used with the query_job_status() method to determine the status of the job and the result of the original operation, once the job has completed.

See the section in the HMC API book about the specific HMC operation and about the ‘Query Job Status’ operation, for a description of the members of the returned JSON objects.

Return type

json object

delete(uri, logon_required=True)[source]

Perform the HTTP DELETE method against the resource identified by a URI, on the faked HMC.

  • uri (string) – Relative URI path of the resource, e.g. “/api/session/{session-id}”. This URI is relative to the base URL of the session (see the base_url property). Must not be None.

  • logon_required (bool) –

    Boolean indicating whether the operation requires that the session is logged on to the HMC. For example, for the logoff operation, it does not make sense to first log on.

    Because this is a faked HMC, this does not perform a real logon, but it is still used to update the state in the faked HMC.


7.2. Faked HMC

The zhmcclient_mock package provides a faked HMC with all resources that are relevant for the zhmcclient package. The faked HMC is implemented as a local Python object and maintains its resource state across operations.

class zhmcclient_mock.InputError(message)[source]

An error that is raised by the faked resource classes and indicates that the input is invalid in some way.

args[0] will be set to a message detailing the issue.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc(hmc_name, hmc_version, api_version)[source]

A faked HMC.

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

An object of this class represents a faked HMC that can have all faked resources that are relevant for the zhmcclient package.

The Python API to this class and its child resource classes is not compatible with the zhmcclient API. Instead, these classes serve as an in-memory backend for a faked session class (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession) that replaces the normal zhmcclient.Session class.

Objects of this class should not be created by the user. Instead, access the zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession.hmc attribute.


Return a string with the state of this faked HMC, for debug purposes.

property enabled

Return whether the faked HMC is enabled.


Enable the faked HMC.


Disable the faked HMC. This will cause an error to be raised when a faked session attempts to communicate with the disabled HMC.


Look up a faked resource by its object URI, within this faked HMC.


uri (string) – The object URI of the faked resource (e.g. value of the ‘object-uri’ property).


The faked resource.

Return type



KeyError – No resource found for this object ID.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedActivationProfileManager(hmc, cpc, profile_type)[source]

A manager for faked Activation Profile resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Activation Profile resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’name’ (the OID property for this resource type!) will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the OID (‘name’) property, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘{profile_type}’-activation-profile’, if not specified.


The faked

Activation Profile resource.

Return type


property profile_type

Type of the activation profile (‘reset’, ‘image’, ‘load’).

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedActivationProfile(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Activation Profile resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedAdapterManager(hmc, cpc)[source]

A manager for faked Adapter resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Adapter resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘adapter’, if not specified.

  • ’status’ is auto-set to ‘active’, if not specified.

  • ’adapter-family’ or ‘type’ is required to be specified, in order to determine whether the adapter is a network or storage adapter.

  • ’adapter-family’ is auto-set based upon ‘type’, if not specified.

  • For network adapters, ‘network-port-uris’ is auto-set to an empty list, if not specified.

  • For storage adapters, ‘storage-port-uris’ is auto-set to an empty list, if not specified.


The faked Adapter resource.

Return type



zhmcclient_mock.InputError – Some issue with the input properties.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedAdapter(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Adapter resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.


Return a string with the state of this faked Adapter resource, for debug purposes.

property ports

The Port resources of this Adapter.

If the kind of adapter does not have ports, this is None.



property adapter_kind

The kind of adapter, determined from the ‘adapter-family’ or ‘type’ properties. This is currently used to distinguish storage and network adapters.

Possible values are: * ‘network’ - A network adapter (OSA, ROCE, Hipersockets) * ‘storage’ - A storage adapter (FICON, FCP) * ‘other’ - Another adapter (zEDC, Crypto)



class zhmcclient_mock.FakedConsoleManager(hmc, client)[source]

A manager for faked Console resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.

property console

The faked Console representing the faked HMC (an object of FakedConsole). The object is cached.


Add a faked Console resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated to ‘/api/console’, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘console’, if not specified.


The faked Console resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedConsole(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Console resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.


Return a string with the state of this faked Console resource, for debug purposes.

property storage_groups

Access to the faked Storage Group resources of this Console.



property users

Access to the faked User resources of this Console.



property user_roles

Access to the faked User Role resources of this Console.



property user_patterns

Access to the faked User Pattern resources of this Console.



property password_rules

Access to the faked Password Rule resources of this Console.



property tasks

Access to the faked Task resources of this Console.



property ldap_server_definitions

Access to the faked LDAP Server Definition resources of this Console.



property unmanaged_cpcs

Access to the faked unmanaged CPC resources of this Console.



class zhmcclient_mock.FakedCpcManager(hmc, client)[source]

A manager for faked managed CPC resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked CPC resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘cpc’, if not specified.

  • ’dpm-enabled’ is auto-set to False, if not specified.

  • ’is-ensemble-member’ is auto-set to False, if not specified.

  • ’status’ is auto-set, if not specified, as follows: If the ‘dpm-enabled’ property is True, it is set to ‘active’; otherwise it is set to ‘operating’.


The faked CPC resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedCpc(manager, properties)[source]

A faked managed CPC resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.


Return a string with the state of this faked Cpc resource, for debug purposes.

property dpm_enabled

Indicates whether this CPC is in DPM mode.

This returns the value of the ‘dpm-enabled’ property.



property lpars

Access to the faked LPAR resources of this CPC.



property partitions

Access to the faked Partition resources of this CPC.



property adapters

Access to the faked Adapter resources of this CPC.



property virtual_switches

Access to the faked Virtual Switch resources of this CPC.



property capacity_groups

Access to the faked Capacity Group resources of this CPC.



property reset_activation_profiles

Access to the faked Reset Activation Profile resources of this CPC.



property image_activation_profiles

Access to the faked Image Activation Profile resources of this CPC.



property load_activation_profiles

Access to the faked Load Activation Profile resources of this CPC.



class zhmcclient_mock.FakedHbaManager(hmc, partition)[source]

A manager for faked HBA resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked HBA resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘hba’, if not specified.

  • ’adapter-port-uri’ identifies the backing FCP port for this HBA and is required to be specified.

  • ’device-number’ will be auto-generated with a unique value within the partition in the range 0x8000 to 0xFFFF, if not specified.

This method also updates the ‘hba-uris’ property in the parent faked Partition resource, by adding the URI for the faked HBA resource.


The faked HBA resource.

Return type



zhmcclient_mock.InputError – Some issue with the input properties.


Remove a faked HBA resource.

This method also updates the ‘hba-uris’ property in the parent Partition resource, by removing the URI for the faked HBA resource.


oid (string) – The object ID of the faked HBA resource.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedHba(manager, properties)[source]

A faked HBA resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedLdapServerDefinitionManager(hmc, console)[source]

A manager for faked LDAP Server Definition resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked LDAP Server Definition resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘ldap-server-definition’, if not specified.


The faked LdapServerDefinition resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedLdapServerDefinition(manager, properties)[source]

A faked LDAP Server Definition resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedLparManager(hmc, cpc)[source]

A manager for faked LPAR resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked LPAR resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘logical-partition’, if not specified.

  • ’status’ is auto-set to ‘not-activated’, if not specified.


The faked LPAR resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedLpar(manager, properties)[source]

A faked LPAR resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedNicManager(hmc, partition)[source]

A manager for faked NIC resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked NIC resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘nic’, if not specified.

  • Either ‘network-adapter-port-uri’ (for backing ROCE adapters) or ‘virtual-switch-uri’(for backing OSA or Hipersockets adapters) is required to be specified.

  • ’device-number’ will be auto-generated with a unique value within the partition in the range 0x8000 to 0xFFFF, if not specified.

This method also updates the ‘nic-uris’ property in the parent faked Partition resource, by adding the URI for the faked NIC resource.

This method also updates the ‘connected-vnic-uris’ property in the virtual switch referenced by ‘virtual-switch-uri’ property, and sets it to the URI of the faked NIC resource.


The faked NIC resource.

Return type



zhmcclient_mock.InputError – Some issue with the input properties.


Remove a faked NIC resource.

This method also updates the ‘nic-uris’ property in the parent Partition resource, by removing the URI for the faked NIC resource.


oid (string) – The object ID of the faked NIC resource.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedNic(manager, properties)[source]

A faked NIC resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedPartitionManager(hmc, cpc)[source]

A manager for faked Partition resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Partition resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘partition’, if not specified.

  • ’hba-uris’ will be auto-generated as an empty array, if not specified.

  • ’nic-uris’ will be auto-generated as an empty array, if not specified.

  • ’virtual-function-uris’ will be auto-generated as an empty array, if not specified.

  • ’status’ is auto-set to ‘stopped’, if not specified.


The faked Partition


Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedPartition(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Partition resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

Each partition uses the device number range of 0x8000 to 0xFFFF for automatically assigned device numbers of HBAs, NICs and virtual functions. Users of the mock support should not use device numbers in that range (unless all of them are user-assigned for a particular partition).


Return a string with the state of this faked Partition resource, for debug purposes.

property nics

Access to the faked NIC resources of this Partition.



property hbas

Access to the faked HBA resources of this Partition.



property virtual_functions

Access to the faked Virtual Function resources of this Partition.




Allocates a device number unique to this partition, in the range of 0x8000 to 0xFFFF.


The device number as four hexadecimal digits in upper case.

Return type



ValueError – No more device numbers available in that range.


Free a device number allocated with devno_alloc().

The device number must be allocated.


devno (string) – The device number as four hexadecimal digits.


ValueError – Device number not in pool range or not currently allocated.


Free a device number allocated with devno_alloc().

If the device number is not currently allocated or not in the pool range, nothing happens.


devno (string) – The device number as four hexadecimal digits.


Allocates a WWPN unique to this partition, in the range of 0xAFFEAFFE00008000 to 0xAFFEAFFE0000FFFF.


The WWPN as 16 hexadecimal digits in upper case.

Return type



ValueError – No more WWPNs available in that range.


Free a WWPN allocated with wwpn_alloc().

The WWPN must be allocated.


WWPN (string) – The WWPN as 16 hexadecimal digits.


ValueError – WWPN not in pool range or not currently allocated.


Free a WWPN allocated with wwpn_alloc().

If the WWPN is not currently allocated or not in the pool range, nothing happens.


WWPN (string) – The WWPN as 16 hexadecimal digits.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedPasswordRuleManager(hmc, console)[source]

A manager for faked Password Rule resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Password Rule resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘password-rule’, if not specified.


The faked Password Rule resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedPasswordRule(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Password Rule resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedPortManager(hmc, adapter)[source]

A manager for faked Adapter Port resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Port resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘network-port’ or ‘storage-port’, if not specified.

This method also updates the ‘network-port-uris’ or ‘storage-port-uris’ property in the parent Adapter resource, by adding the URI for the faked Port resource.


The faked Port resource.

Return type



Remove a faked Port resource.

This method also updates the ‘network-port-uris’ or ‘storage-port-uris’ property in the parent Adapter resource, by removing the URI for the faked Port resource.


oid (string) – The object ID of the faked Port resource.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedPort(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Adapter Port resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedTaskManager(hmc, console)[source]

A manager for faked Task resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Task resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘task’, if not specified.


The faked Task resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedTask(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Task resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUnmanagedCpcManager(hmc, console)[source]

A manager for faked unmanaged CPC resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked unmanaged CPC resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.


The faked unmanaged CPC resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUnmanagedCpc(manager, properties)[source]

A faked unmanaged CPC resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.


Return a string with the state of this faked unmanaged Cpc resource, for debug purposes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUserManager(hmc, console)[source]

A manager for faked User resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked User resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘user’, if not specified.


The faked User resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUser(manager, properties)[source]

A faked User resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUserPatternManager(hmc, console)[source]

A manager for faked User Pattern resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked User Pattern resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘user-pattern’, if not specified.


The faked User Pattern resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUserPattern(manager, properties)[source]

A faked User Pattern resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUserRoleManager(hmc, console)[source]

A manager for faked User Role resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked User Role resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘user-role’, if not specified.


The faked User Role resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedUserRole(manager, properties)[source]

A faked User Role resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedVirtualFunctionManager(hmc, partition)[source]

A manager for faked Virtual Function resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Virtual Function resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’element-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’element-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the element ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘virtual-function’, if not specified.

  • ’device-number’ will be auto-generated with a unique value within the partition in the range 0x8000 to 0xFFFF, if not specified.

This method also updates the ‘virtual-function-uris’ property in the parent Partition resource, by adding the URI for the faked Virtual Function resource.


The faked Virtual

Function resource.

Return type



Remove a faked Virtual Function resource.

This method also updates the ‘virtual-function-uris’ property in the parent Partition resource, by removing the URI for the faked Virtual Function resource.


oid (string) – The object ID of the faked Virtual Function resource.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedVirtualFunction(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Virtual Function resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedVirtualSwitchManager(hmc, cpc)[source]

A manager for faked Virtual Switch resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


Add a faked Virtual Switch resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’object-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’object-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the object ID, if not specified.

  • ’class’ will be auto-generated to ‘virtual-switch’, if not specified.

  • ’connected-vnic-uris’ will be auto-generated as an empty array, if not specified.


The faked Virtual

Switch resource.

Return type


class zhmcclient_mock.FakedVirtualSwitch(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Virtual Switch resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedMetricsContextManager(hmc, client)[source]

A manager for faked Metrics Context resources within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager, see there for common methods and attributes.


  • The following code sets up the faked data for metrics retrieval for partition usage metrics, and then retrieves the metrics:

    session = FakedSession('fake-host', 'fake-hmc', '2.13.1', '1.8')
    client = Client(session)
    # URIs of (faked or real) Partitions the metric apply to:
    part1_uri = ...
    part2_uri = ...
    # Add a faked metric group definition for group 'partition-usage':
                ('processor-usage', 'integer-metric'),
                ('network-usage', 'integer-metric'),
                ('storage-usage', 'integer-metric'),
                ('accelerator-usage', 'integer-metric'),
                ('crypto-usage', 'integer-metric'),
    # Prepare the faked metric response for that metric group, with
    # data for two partitions:
                ('processor-usage', 15),
                ('network-usage', 0),
                ('storage-usage', 1),
                ('accelerator-usage', 0),
                ('crypto-usage', 0),
                ('processor-usage', 17),
                ('network-usage', 5),
                ('storage-usage', 2),
                ('accelerator-usage', 0),
                ('crypto-usage', 0),
    # Create a Metrics Context resource for one metric group:
    mc = client.metrics_contexts.create({
        'anticipated-frequency-seconds': 15,
        'metric-groups' ['partition-usage'],
    # Retrieve the metrics for that metric context:
    metrics_response = mc.get_metrics()

Add a faked Metrics Context resource.


properties (dict) –

Resource properties, as defined in the description of the FakedMetricsContext class.

Special handling and requirements for certain properties:

  • ’fake-id’ will be auto-generated with a unique value across all instances of this resource type, if not specified.

  • ’fake-uri’ will be auto-generated based upon the ‘fake-id’ property, if not specified.


The faked Metrics Context resource.

Return type



Add a faked metric group definition.

The definition will be used:

  • For later addition of faked metrics responses.

  • For returning the metric-group-info objects in the response of the Create Metrics Context operations.

For defined metric groups, see chapter “Metric groups” in the HMC API book.


( (definition) – class:~zhmcclient.FakedMetricGroupDefinition`): Definition of the metric group.


ValueError – A metric group definition with this name already exists.


Get a faked metric group definition by its group name.


group_name (string) – Name of the metric group.


class:~zhmcclient.FakedMetricGroupDefinition`: Definition of the

metric group.


ValueError – A metric group definition with this name does not exist.


Get the group names of all faked metric group definitions.


The group names, in the order their metric

group definitions had been added.

Return type

iterable of string


Add one set of faked metric values for a particular resource to the metrics response for a particular metric group, for later retrieval.

For defined metric groups, see chapter “Metric groups” in the HMC API book.


values (FakedMetricObjectValues) – The set of metric values to be added. It specifies the resource URI and the targeted metric group name.


Get the faked metric values for a metric group, by its metric group name.

The result includes all metric object values added earlier for that metric group name, using add_metric_object_values() i.e. the metric values for all resources and all points in time that were added.


group_name (string) – Name of the metric group.


The metric

values for that metric group, in the order they had been added.

Return type

iterable of FakedMetricObjectValues


ValueError – Metric values for this group name do not exist.


Get the group names of metric groups for which there are faked metric values.


The group names, in the order their metric values

had been added.

Return type

iterable of string

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedMetricsContext(manager, properties)[source]

A faked Metrics Context resource within a faked HMC (see zhmcclient_mock.FakedHmc).

Derived from zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource, see there for common methods and attributes.

The Metrics Context “resource” is really a service and therefore does not have a data model defined in the HMC API book. In order to fit into the zhmcclient mock framework, the faked Metrics Context in the zhmcclient mock framework is treated like all other faked resources and does have a data model.

Data Model:

‘fake-id’ (string): Object ID of the resource.

Initialization: Optional. If omitted, it will be auto-generated.

‘fake-uri’ (string): Resource URI of the resource (used for Get

Metrics operation).

Initialization: Optional. If omitted, it will be auto-generated from the Object ID.

‘anticipated-frequency-seconds’ (integer):

The number of seconds the client anticipates will elapse between metrics retrievals using this context. The minimum accepted value is 15.

Initialization: Required.

‘metric-groups’ (list of string):

The metric group names to be returned by a metric retrieval using this context.

Initialization: Optional. If omitted or the empty list, all metric groups that are valid for the operational mode of each CPC will be returned.


Get the faked metric group definitions for this context object that are to be returned from its create operation.

If a ‘metric-groups’ property had been specified for this context, only those faked metric group definitions of its manager object that are in that list, are included in the result. Otherwise, all metric group definitions of its manager are included in the result.


class:~zhmcclient.FakedMetricGroupDefinition`: The faked

metric group definitions, in the order they had been added.

Return type

iterable of


Get the faked metric group definitions for this context object that are to be returned from its create operation, in the format needed for the “Create Metrics Context” operation response.


“metric-group-infos” JSON object as described for the “Create Metrics

Context “operation response.


Get the faked metrics, for all metric groups and all resources that have been prepared on the manager object of this context object.


The faked

metrics, in the order they had been added, where:

group_name (string): Metric group name.

values (:class:~zhmcclient.FakedMetricObjectValues`):

The metric values for one resource at one point in time.

Return type

iterable of tuple (group_name, iterable of values)


Get the faked metrics, for all metric groups and all resources that have been prepared on the manager object of this context object, as a string in the format needed for the “Get Metrics” operation response.


“MetricsResponse” string as described for the “Get Metrics”

operation response.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseManager(hmc, parent, resource_class, base_uri, oid_prop, uri_prop, class_value)[source]

A base class for manager classes for faked resources in the faked HMC.


Return a string with the state of this faked manager, for debug purposes.

property hmc

The faked HMC this manager is part of (an object of FakedHmc).

property parent

The parent (scoping resource) for this manager (an object of a derived class of FakedBaseResource).

property resource_class

The resource class managed by this manager (a derived class of FakedBaseResource).

property base_uri

The base URI for URIs of resources managed by this manager.

property oid_prop

The name of the resource property for the object ID (‘object-id’ or ‘element-id’ or ‘name’).

property uri_prop

The name of the resource property for the object URI (‘object-uri’ or ‘element-uri’).

property class_value

The value for the “class” property of resources managed by this manager, as defined in the data model for the resource. For example, for LPAR resources this is set to ‘logical-partition’.


Add a faked resource to this manager.

For URI-based lookup, the resource is also added to the faked HMC.


properties (dict) – Resource properties. If the URI property (e.g. ‘object-uri’) or the object ID property (e.g. ‘object-id’) are not specified, they will be auto-generated.


The faked resource object.

Return type



Remove a faked resource from this manager.


oid (string) – The object ID of the resource (e.g. value of the ‘object-uri’ property).


List the faked resources of this manager.


filter_args (dict) – Filter arguments. None causes no filtering to happen. See list() for details.


The faked resource objects of this


Return type

list of FakedBaseResource


Look up a faked resource by its object ID, in the scope of this manager.


oid (string) – The object ID of the faked resource (e.g. value of the ‘object-id’ property).


The faked resource object.

Return type



KeyError – No resource found for this object ID.

class zhmcclient_mock.FakedBaseResource(manager, properties)[source]

A base class for faked resource classes in the faked HMC.


Return a string with the state of this faked resource, for debug purposes.

Note that the derived faked resource classes that have child resources have their own __repr__() methods, because only they know which child resources they have.

property manager

The manager for this resource (a derived class of FakedBaseManager).

property properties

The properties of this resource (a dictionary).

property oid

The object ID (property ‘object-id’ or ‘element-id’) of this resource.

property uri

The object URI (property ‘object-uri’ or ‘element-uri’) of this resource.

property name

The name (property ‘name’) of this resource.


KeyError – Resource does not have a ‘name’ property.


update the properties of this resource.


properties (dict) – Resource properties to be updated. Any other properties remain unchanged.


Add faked child resources to this resource, from the provided resource definitions.

Duplicate resource names in the same scope are not permitted.

Although this method is typically used to initially load the faked HMC with resource state just once, it can be invoked multiple times and can also be invoked on faked resources (e.g. on a faked CPC).


resources (dict) –

resource dictionary with definitions of faked child resources to be added. For an explanation of how the resource dictionary is set up, see the examples below.

For requirements on and auto-generation of certain resource properties, see the add() methods of the various faked resource managers (e.g. zhmcclient_mock.FakedCpcManager.add()). For example, the object-id or element-id properties and the corresponding uri properties are always auto-generated.

The resource dictionary specifies a tree of resource managers and resources, in an alternating manner. It starts with the resource managers of child resources of the target resource, which contains a list of those child resources. For an HMC, the CPCs managed by the HMC would be its child resources.

Each resource specifies its own properties (properties key) and the resource managers for its child resources. For example, the CPC resource specifies its adapter child resources using the adapters key. The keys for the child resource managers are the attribute names of these resource managers in the parent resource. For example, the adapters key is named after the zhmcclient.Cpc.adapters attribute (which has the same name as in its corresponding faked CPC resource: zhmcclient_mock.FakedCpc.adapters).


zhmcclient_mock.InputError – Some issue with the input resources.


Example for targeting a faked HMC for adding a CPC with one adapter:

resources = {
    'cpcs': [  # name of manager attribute for this resource
            'properties': {
                'name': 'cpc_1',
            'adapters': [  # name of manager attribute for this
                           # resource
                    'properties': {
                        'object-id': '12',
                        'name': 'ad_1',
                    'ports': [
                            'properties': {
                                'name': 'port_1',

Example for targeting a faked CPC for adding an LPAR and a load activation profile:

resources = {
    'lpars': [  # name of manager attribute for this resource
            'properties': {
                # object-id is not provided -> auto-generated
                # object-uri is not provided -> auto-generated
                'name': 'lpar_1',
    'load_activation_profiles': [  # name of manager attribute
            'properties': {
                # object-id is not provided -> auto-generated
                # object-uri is not provided -> auto-generated
                'name': 'lpar_1',

7.3. URI handler

A module with various handler classes for the HTTP methods against HMC URIs, based on the faked HMC.

Most handler classes do not need to be documented, but some of them have methods that can be mocked in order to provoke non-standard behavior in the handling of the HTTP methods.

class zhmcclient_mock.LparActivateHandler[source]

A handler class for the “Activate Logical Partition” operation.

static get_status()[source]

Status retrieval method that returns the status the faked Lpar will have after completion of the “Activate Logical Partition” operation.

This method returns the successful status ‘not-operating’ for LPARs that do not auto-load their OSs, and can be mocked by testcases to return a different status (e.g. ‘operating’ for LPARs that do auto-load, or ‘acceptable’ or ‘exceptions’).

static post(method, hmc, uri, uri_parms, body, logon_required, wait_for_completion)[source]

Operation: Activate Logical Partition (requires classic mode).

class zhmcclient_mock.LparDeactivateHandler[source]

A handler class for the “Deactivate Logical Partition” operation.

static get_status()[source]

Status retrieval method that returns the status the faked Lpar will have after completion of the “Deactivate Logical Partition” operation.

This method returns the successful status ‘not-activated’, and can be mocked by testcases to return a different status (e.g. ‘exceptions’).

static post(method, hmc, uri, uri_parms, body, logon_required, wait_for_completion)[source]

Operation: Deactivate Logical Partition (requires classic mode).

class zhmcclient_mock.LparLoadHandler[source]

A handler class for the “Load Logical Partition” operation.

static get_status()[source]

Status retrieval method that returns the status the faked Lpar will have after completion of the “Load Logical Partition” operation.

This method returns the successful status ‘operating’, and can be mocked by testcases to return a different status (e.g. ‘acceptable’ or ‘exceptions’).

static post(method, hmc, uri, uri_parms, body, logon_required, wait_for_completion)[source]

Operation: Load Logical Partition (requires classic mode).