Source code for zhmcclient._task

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A :term:`Task` resource represents an action that an HMC user with appropriate
authority can perform. These actions could be available via the HMC's graphical
user interface, the Web Services APIs or both.

Tasks are predefined by the HMC and cannot be created, modified or deleted.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from ._manager import BaseManager
from ._resource import BaseResource
from ._logging import logged_api_call
from ._utils import matches_filters, divide_filter_args

__all__ = ['TaskManager', 'Task']

[docs]class TaskManager(BaseManager): """ Manager providing access to the :term:`Task` resources of a HMC. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseManager`; see there for common methods and attributes. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are accessible via the following instance variable of a :class:`~zhmcclient.Console` object: * :attr:`zhmcclient.Console.tasks` """ def __init__(self, console): # This function should not go into the docs. # Parameters: # console (:class:`~zhmcclient.Console`): # Console object representing the HMC. # Resource properties that are supported as filter query parameters. # If the support for a resource property changes within the set of HMC # versions that support this type of resource, this list must be set up # for the version of the HMC this session is connected to. query_props = [ 'name', ] super(TaskManager, self).__init__( resource_class=Task, class_name='task', session=console.manager.session, parent=console, base_uri='/api/console/tasks', oid_prop='element-id', uri_prop='element-uri', name_prop='name', query_props=query_props) @property def console(self): """ :class:`~zhmcclient.Console`: :term:`Console` defining the scope for this manager. """ return self._parent
[docs] @logged_api_call def list(self, full_properties=True, filter_args=None): """ List the :term:`Task` resources representing the tasks defined in this HMC. Authorization requirements: * None Parameters: full_properties (bool): Controls whether the full set of resource properties should be retrieved, vs. only the short set as returned by the list operation. filter_args (dict): Filter arguments that narrow the list of returned resources to those that match the specified filter arguments. For details, see :ref:`Filtering`. `None` causes no filtering to happen, i.e. all resources are returned. Returns: : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Task` objects. Raises: :exc:`~zhmcclient.HTTPError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ParseError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.AuthError` :exc:`~zhmcclient.ConnectionError` """ resource_obj_list = [] query_parms, client_filters = divide_filter_args( self._query_props, filter_args) resources_name = 'tasks' uri = '{}/{}{}'.format(self.console.uri, resources_name, query_parms) result = self.session.get(uri) if result: props_list = result[resources_name] for props in props_list: resource_obj = self.resource_class( manager=self, uri=props[self._uri_prop], name=props.get(self._name_prop, None), properties=props) if matches_filters(resource_obj, client_filters): resource_obj_list.append(resource_obj) if full_properties: resource_obj.pull_full_properties() self._name_uri_cache.update_from(resource_obj_list) return resource_obj_list
[docs]class Task(BaseResource): """ Representation of a :term:`Task`. Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource`; see there for common methods and attributes. Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are returned from creation or list functions on their manager object (in this case, :class:`~zhmcclient.TaskManager`). """ def __init__(self, manager, uri, name=None, properties=None): # This function should not go into the docs. # manager (:class:`~zhmcclient.TaskManager`): # Manager object for this resource object. # uri (string): # Canonical URI path of the resource. # name (string): # Name of the resource. # properties (dict): # Properties to be set for this resource object. May be `None` or # empty. assert isinstance(manager, TaskManager), \ "Console init: Expected manager type %s, got %s" % \ (TaskManager, type(manager)) super(Task, self).__init__(manager, uri, name, properties)