Source code for zhmcclient.testutils._hmc_definition_fixtures

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Pytest fixtures for mocked HMCs.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import logging
import pytest
import zhmcclient
import zhmcclient_mock

from ._hmc_definition import HMCDefinition
from ._hmc_definitions import hmc_definitions

__all__ = ['hmc_definition', 'hmc_session']

# Log file
    LOG_HANDLER = logging.FileHandler(TESTLOGFILE, encoding='utf-8')
    LOG_FORMAT_STRING = '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
    LOG_HANDLER = None

def fixtureid_hmc_definition(fixture_value):
    Return a fixture ID to be used by pytest, for fixture `hmc_definition()`.

      * fixture_value (HMCDefinition): The HMC definition of the HMC the test
        runs against.
    if not isinstance(fixture_value, HMCDefinition):
        return None  # Use pytest auto-generated ID
    hd = fixture_value
    show_hmc = False  # Enable to show HMC/userid or mock file in tests
    if not show_hmc:
        hmc_str = ""
    elif hd.mock_file:
        hmc_str = "(mock_file={f})".format(f=hd.mock_file)
        hmc_str = "(host={h}, userid={u})".format(
  , u=hd.userid)
    ret_str = "hmc_definition={n}{v}".format(n=hd.nickname, v=hmc_str)
    return ret_str

[docs] @pytest.fixture( params=hmc_definitions(load=None), scope='module', ids=fixtureid_hmc_definition ) def hmc_definition(request): """ Pytest fixture representing the set of HMC definitions to use for a test. A test function parameter with the name of this fixture resolves to the :class:`~zhmcclient.testutils.HMCDefinition` object of each HMC to test against. The test function is called once for each HMC, if the targeted HMC is a group. """ return request.param
[docs] @pytest.fixture( scope='module' ) def hmc_session(request, hmc_definition): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,unused-argument """ Pytest fixture representing the set of HMC sessions to run a test against. A test function parameter with the name of this fixture resolves to the :class:`zhmcclient.Session` or :class:`zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession` object for each HMC to test against. The session is already logged on to the HMC. The session object has an additional property named ``hmc_definition`` that is the :class:`~zhmcclient.testutils.HMCDefinition` object for the corresponding HMC definition in the :ref:`HMC inventory file`. Because the `hmc_definition` parameter of this fixture is again a fixture, the :func:`zhmcclient.testutils.hmc_definition` function needs to be imported as well when this fixture is used. Upon fixture teardown, the session is automatically logged off from the HMC. """ session = setup_hmc_session(hmc_definition) yield session teardown_hmc_session(session)
def setup_hmc_session(hd): """ Setup an HMC session and return a new session object for it. If the HMC definition represents a real HMC, log on to an HMC and return a new :class:`zhmcclient.Session` object. If the HMC definition represents a mocked HMC, create a new mock environment from that and return a :class:`zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession` object. """ # We use the cached skip reason from previous attempts skip_msg = getattr(hd, 'skip_msg', None) if skip_msg: pytest.skip("Skip reason from earlier attempt: {0}".format(skip_msg)) if hd.mock_file: # A mocked HMC # Create a mocked session using the mock file from the inventory file session = zhmcclient_mock.FakedSession.from_hmc_yaml_file( hd.mock_file, userid=hd.userid, password=hd.password) # Set the HMC definition host to the host found in the mock file. = else: # A real HMC # Enable debug logging if specified if LOG_HANDLER: logger = logging.getLogger('zhmcclient.hmc') if LOG_HANDLER not in logger.handlers: logger.addHandler(LOG_HANDLER) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger('zhmcclient.api') if LOG_HANDLER not in logger.handlers: logger.addHandler(LOG_HANDLER) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger('zhmcclient.jms') if LOG_HANDLER not in logger.handlers: logger.addHandler(LOG_HANDLER) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) rt_config = zhmcclient.RetryTimeoutConfig( read_timeout=300, ) # Creating a session does not interact with the HMC (logon is deferred) session = zhmcclient.Session(, hd.userid, hd.password, verify_cert=hd.verify_cert, retry_timeout_config=rt_config) # Check access to the HMC try: session.logon() except zhmcclient.Error as exc: msg = "Cannot log on to HMC {0} at {1} due to {2}: {3}". \ format(hd.nickname,, exc.__class__.__name__, exc) hd.skip_msg = msg pytest.skip(msg) hd.skip_msg = None session.hmc_definition = hd return session def teardown_hmc_session(session): """ Log off from an HMC session. """ session.logoff()